Posted on May 31, 2019
Can ankylosing spondylitis be service connected ?
I have ankylosing spondylitis and was diagnosed with it back in the 80s I was in the army in 79 can I claim it as service connected and how would I go about it ?
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 7
You could try? Have to pull your med records and see if there is any indication of it while you served. If not as it is a mostly somewhat hereditary condition with no known cause, linking it to being service related might be an uphill climb. A trip to the VA with your Medical records would be the first step and they would assess you from that point.
You can contact you local VA and request forms for submitting a claim. The diseas you are referring to may not be covered as it’s causes are rooted to genetics. Having said that, there is no difinative science that states that as absolute. If the VA’s research tells them there is a possibility that your service contributed to its advancement then there is a possibility. Never hurts to try. Thank you for your service.
Yes, it can be service connected. If you decide to apply let me suggest calling the national # [login to see] . They will hold the date while you gather evidence for 12 months. Also study citations which will give you an idea of what you need to do. Here is an example of one_ Citation Nr: 0518317 _ a google search will pull it up. Good luck, it can be quick or take years..
Semper Fi
Semper Fi
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