Posted on May 24, 2019
What advice for enlistment options will you give for someone 29 years of age with a graduate degree?
Greetings all, I am 29 years of age and under process of enlistment in the armed forces. I would like to know what options there are for a person with a graduate degree in Information Security. What types of opportunites are available and what enlistment option can I take in consideration? Any advice will be well received and highly valued, since I do not have any kind of knowledge in the matter.
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 53
Since you already have a graduate degree (and implied undergraduate degree), ROTC is not likely to be an option. Along with local recruiter mentioned by CSM Darieus ZaGara , you may consider applying for a direct commission for cyber since your masters is in Information Security.

Cyber Direct Commissioning Program
System admin, web developer, programmer. Put your civilian experience to work and become an officer in the Army through the Cyber Direct Commissioning Program.
Capt Daniel Goodman
As you've no doubt gleaned by now, my mind tends to run toward specifics, not generalities...that's why I tend to send all that stuff, whenever I see a career/educ question like yours, I admit I might tend to overwhelm at times, however, I assure you, I've been all over all of that way longer than you've been alive, I assure you, promise, OK? if it weren't all useful, and real, I wouldn't bombard you with it, trust me on that, OK? Also, have you published yet at all? Thesis level? If so, specific topic, if you can elaborate, possibly, I haven't published, I'm trying by volunteering to help with serious clinical research, I can assure you, that's a major thorn in my side, which is why, if you can go for the PhD, then to my way of thinking, for God'sa sake, can always seek a board for an age waiver, grad school can count toward such a possibility, which is why I'm telling you to look at an ROTC, USMC PLC, USCG scholarship, or USPHS COSTEP, to do the PhD, and just get it done and finished, once and for all, trust me, kiddo, most definitely been there, done that (BTDT), as I'd said, OK? Once again, enjoy, I'm here if you wanna yak, just believe what I tell you, long, hard, often bitter experience speaking here, OK? Trust me, I know EXACTLY what I'm talking about on such things, ten times over, as I may have already said, promise, OK?
You should go to your local recruiter for each service. They can assess your entire profile and recommend solutions. From there you will have many options. Good luck.

Cyber Direct Commissioning Program
System admin, web developer, programmer. Put your civilian experience to work and become an officer in the Army through the Cyber Direct Commissioning Program.
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