I want to re-enlist and I was going to go 35L and I submitted my 4187 but I don’t think they will ever open back up. So my second option is 35M , which I had actually wanted to begin with when I came to the army . I’m currently a 35F and I have an 85 on the dlab. Did not know if that was waiverable. Planning on retaking but curious if I can reclassify with the score I have.
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 3
What do you mean you "don't think they will ever open back up"? Why can't you go 35L? There may be a delay because CISAC is backed up but it doesn't mean you cannot go 35L. They are working on getting more people through.
SFC (Join to see)
SSG(P) (Join to see) it's an application MOS. You don't need a 4187, what you need is a letter of acceptance from them.
SSG(P) (Join to see)
Rgr , they changed the packet to just a 4187 which I submitted through their website. The next step is schedule an interview with a 35L agent and if I pass that the retention NCO will get a school seat, but that’s the problem, no school seats. SFC (Join to see)
CW3 (Join to see)
SSG(P) (Join to see) - Are you going through a particular Field Office? 35L re-class applicants are only on a *temporary* hold while they get more CISAC seats together, that is all. When they temporarily opened up the MOS to new enlistees, they were not prepared for the high number of incoming Soldiers. However, they have already made significant strides in increasing the seats at CISAC in addition to adding extra courses starting next FY. You can still get approved and adjudicated by an FO and OCMI. These re-classes already in are not handled by the typical recruiter. If I were you, I would just wait if you truly want to be a 35L. If you won't extend to wait, the other option is to get out and immediately go National Guard where there are more CISAC seats (because we have a National Guard CISAC as well in Utah and can send agents through that course, the active, or the reserve one, but they are all exactly the same certifying course). After doing a stint in the guard, you can go back active as a 35L and not have to re-take CISAC. Just another option.
SSG(P) (Join to see)
Rgr chief, I’m tracking all. I guess just not knowing or seeing progress is the worst part. I have contemplated the guard option. I will just keep waiting , hearing you say that is encouraging. CW3 (Join to see)
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