Posted on Feb 9, 2015
MSgt Rob Weston
Ok we all have your stories of so and so's idiotic adventures and bouts of humorous pranksters. I'll start off with this.

I will admit I have my stupid moments, as a young airman. As a nuclear weapons storage we would test security procedures. One of the requirements is you have your flack vest and gas mask on as if it was for real. My dumbass at the time left my gas mask in the truck and was caught by the area supervisor (E-6) and it royally pissed him off. After everything was done he looks at me "Airman Weston for the rest of the shift you will wear that gas mask! I will check on you later to ensure you have it on". About three hours or so go by and the next thing I hear was "God Damn it Weston what the hell are you doing?" My response was "doing what you told me to do tech sergeant, I am wearing my gas mask." The next thing was this "you dumb ass I meant for you to wear the carrier in your body, not the damn mask on your face. Take that shit off now"
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Responses: 3
SGT Michael Glenn
I was told to paint the Unit Arms Room before I could go out on a date and the Idiot said very clearly in front of a platoon of HQ pukes (I was one too) that he didnt care what color and I could paint it brown with pink polka dots for all he cared...Guess what!!!! I got the brown and pink and man did he have a conniption Monday morning when he opened those doors !!! I wound up having to repaint it all Army grey and olive drab green ( no Polka dots). I was a VERY cocky SPC being locked up by a SSG for mouthing off to him, he set me at Parade rest in between a row of two Barracks and began yelling at me at the top of his lungs so he would draw a crowd. He Started with "Specialist...let me tell you something!!!" He ranted for at least 5 minutes all the while looking up to see how many onlookers he had. really being pissed I waited for the fool to open himself up for complete and utter humiliation ( didnt take long either). When he was done he yelled at me" Do you under stand me Specialist !!!" With out hesitation I averted my gaze directly into his eyes and belted out " Could you repeat everything after your initial Specialist, I wasnt paying attention to a damn word after that" He looked like a small child who had just had his candy taken from him, he was hopping around screaming, throwing his hands in the air. Half of what he said was inaudible because his voice had gone up 50 octaves. I waited until he was in the middle of breathing and asked if i was excused which only poured more salt on his already broken and torn ego.... when he turned towards me I didnt wait for an answer and just walked away while spectators in both barracks were making wise cracks or cheering the event on.
TSgt Scott Hurley
TSgt Scott Hurley
8 y
I bet he had a hard time explaining why he ordered you to paint it any color when he knew what color it had to be to higher ups.
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SSgt Bruce McClelland
My entry for caption for that photo: Who farted?
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Sgt Dale Briggs
Lol, that's funny.
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