Posted on May 14, 2019
SGT(P) Ammunition Nco
I've been told so many different ways about how promotions work and none of it makes sense. When I was an E-4 my name populated on the PPRL and so my unit sent me to BLC. When I returned from BLC I put my promotion packet together (I'm in the reserves so we did a paper board) and submitted it. I got my go from the board and received my promotion soon after. I volunteered for a mob with another unit and some of the soldiers were trying to get promoted while overseas. I have now heard 10 different ways the promotion system works and I would just like the right answer to give to my troops.
Edited 6 y ago
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Responses: 5
SGT Evacuation Nco
Are these reserve soldiers who are mobilized or active? The process is mostly the same.

If you are a mobilized reservist you can do a reserve promotion board through your home unit or mobilized forward reserve command. Once selected you need BLC. If you are in a combat zone you can get promoted conditionally where you must attend BLC 270 days after demobilization, unless you get waivers due to lack of slots, etc.

Generally it’s easier to promote overseas because UMRs aren’t a huge factor in slotting because of manpower requirements, unlike in garrison where you often are hemmed in by the UMR and it’s rank requirements.

AR600-8-19 is your friend. Sounds like your mob unit isn’t good communicating how to go through this process.
SGT(P) Ammunition Nco
SGT(P) (Join to see)
6 y
They are reserve soldiers who are mobilized. Like I mentioned in the other comment, one of the NCOs on this mob was promoted a month or two prior but he never submitted a packet or went to a board. I guess I should have worded my initial question better but what I’m being asked by my soldiers is why is that the case for him but not for them.
SGT Evacuation Nco
SGT (Join to see)
6 y
Roger - they did reinstate an automated promotion process for soldiers who completed DLC/SSD 1 and were otherwise green in metrics/TIS and TIG but required BLC only in an overseas environment as of APR 2018. His MOS may have contributed to it as well if he was in a short handed MOS.
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SSG Cavalry Scout
Have you tried looking up the AR the covers enlisted promotions and reductions? The army literally outlines everything in black and white.
SGT(P) Ammunition Nco
SGT(P) (Join to see)
6 y
I had the same mentality until I started to talk with other people in the unit. My prime example being one of the things they stressed was the importance of the board in the promotion process but another E-5 here never submitted a packet or went to a board. He was promoted a few months prior to this mob and it contridicts everything the unit is talking about.
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SSG Environmental Specialist
Usually even overseas, they put a packet in and send it to the RRC responsible for that unit or soldier if he was cross leveled into that unit. We had an SGT promoted to SSG while in afghanistan. The key is slot and mosq for that slot.
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