Posted on May 10, 2019
If your Team Lead does a random barracks inspection while you are asleep in your bed, are they allowed to open your door without knocking?
My roommate let him in the main part of the room but then he just barged into my room yelling at me to wake up.
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 7
What I heard is that your roommate granted him entry and your door was unsecured.
Well I'm not sure what you are truly asking. Your roommate opened the door for your TL so he didn't bust down your door. You were sleeping he woke you up by yelling. Did your tl put his hands on you? if not this is the military living in the barracks you have inspections, now could of the TL went about it a better way sure but I'm sure he was ordered to do a random inspection for some reason.
PV2 (Join to see)
So our barracks have a kitchen area then go into a master bedroom. I’m not suppose to have a roommate but 3/10 is short on barracks rooms right now. So my roommate sleeps in the kitchen area while I’m in the bedroom which has a door to itself.
SFC(P) (Join to see)
PV2 (Join to see) - I get what your saying but unless your TL busted down a door or put his hands on you there is really no Leg to stand on with this fight. The only thing I can suggest is bring it up to your SL let him/her handle the situation. Myself as a SL and PS hate stuff like this and would let my TL know he needs to be more professional when handling inspections believe me I'm sure your TL doesn't want to be doing random inspections during his own time I know I hate it.
If you are a shift worker, it use to be you were given consideration and they would return later in the day. They are not allowed to enter without knocking. Since your roomie let them in and apparently did not advise that you were asleep, all bets were off.
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