Posted on May 9, 2019
Sgt Robert Henderson
10 years ago, at age 47, I was diagnosed with Sinus Node Dysfunction and had to get a pacemaker. But I had no underlying cardiac disease. My cardiologist said this is very unusual considering I was running marathons at that time and in excellent condition.
Posted in these groups: Wheelchair and flag Disabled Veterans
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Responses: 5
Sgt Douglas Berger
This happen to me. It started with Sinus Bardicardia, AF, CHF, severe LVS, and other heart conditions_ the list is long. It was my cardiologist who suggested I go to the VA and ask for their opinion because there was no reason my heart should be acting the way it was_ it was many years before the condition presented itself_ then over 10 years of appeals before the VA recognized the relationships causing heart conditions. Then 2015 the released a news article saying science studies were showing the possibility of a connection_ exactly what I had been showing them for many years, and supported by Science. I was not like you a marathon runner, but I belonged to a 50 mile swim club and "had" a strong heart
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It wasn't anything cardiac but my uncle was stationed at Camp Lejeune during the toxic water issues and was also overseas in Vietnam. He died last year from Multiple Mylenoma due to exposure to Agent Orange.
Sgt Robert Henderson
Sgt Robert Henderson
>1 y
So sorry to hear about your uncle. Thank you for your reply.
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>1 y
Sgt Robert Henderson - Thank you. We are honoring his memory at the In Memory Ceremony in DC next month. If you don't know what that is, it honors those who died as a result of Vietnam after the war.
Sgt Douglas Berger
Sgt Douglas Berger
>1 y
Sorry about your loss
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Sgt Douglas Berger - Thank you.
PO2 Andrew Carpenter
According to my cardiologist, my heart did it's own bypass. He checked me before I went into my kidney cancer surgery and that's when he found it.
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