Posted on Apr 25, 2019
Where did my leave days go after switching from Reserves to active duty?
At the end of AIT, reserve soldiers are to sell leave days they have accrued at their time in training. When time came for my platoon to do so, something was wrong with the systems. We ended up just keeping them. For almost two years all of my Army reserve LES show 10.5 days accrued. I have now switched to active duty and my first active duty LES shows that they are all gone. Why is that? Who do I need to talk to, so I can fix it. I have my copays of last LES from reserve and first active LES. I have never took any leave.
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 3
I apologize for having to be the one to tell you this but, Unfortunately those days are gone. You cannot transfer leave accrued from reserve to Active Duty. One has nothing to do with the other and the leave should have been taken or lost a long time ago (someone in your reserve unit didn’t do their job right). There is no fix to this, you will have to accrue your days monthly earning 2.5 days a month.
SSG Laurie Mullen
SGT (Join to see) - They were accrued while on active duty for training. You were still assigned to the Reserves during your training.
SFC(P) (Join to see)
Geez Louise I hate when this stuff happens. I always tell soldiers when they are getting off Active Duty going back to reserve unit if they haven't used there leave make sure when you final out at Finance they do the proper paperwork and 0 out your leave and pay you for them. Ive seen it happen so many times.
SGT (Join to see) ,SFC (Join to see) is correct on this subject and your days are probably lost, however, it never hurts to ask for them to be returned, especially if you have supporting documentation. Upon returning from my last deployment, while I was out-processing, they discovered an extra 10 days that I had lost from a previous deployment and added those days into my terminal leave. It worked out for me during that one instance but I can't say it will ever work again for me or anybody else. Still, it never hurts to ask, you'll only be told no.
SFC (Join to see)
Sir, it was able to work out for you because you were active duty Army the entire time. Unfortunately he is reserve and was on active orders for the reserve not the active duty Army. Unfortunately Leave can’t be carried over from a different branch of service if it is not used.
MAJ Ronnie Reams
SFC (Join to see) - Do you mean Reserve as in Army of the United States, vice the U S Army? Both are active duty Army.
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