Posted on Apr 23, 2019
How can I help my career with a broadening assignment?
Assignment, like drill sergeant. The problem is that the unit I’m with now is short staff sergeants so now I’m filling a SL position. Because of their MTOE. I’ve been told I’m hurting my career and my branch manager was not willing to help because I just arrived here. Should I just Be patient?
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 6
First, you can't PCS again within a year.
While working at TRADOC isn't a broadening assignment, it is considered a more challenging assignment and is viewed more favorably than working as a SL in a BCT. You can submit for a broadening assignment at one year on station, but you are filling a demanding assignment already.
While working at TRADOC isn't a broadening assignment, it is considered a more challenging assignment and is viewed more favorably than working as a SL in a BCT. You can submit for a broadening assignment at one year on station, but you are filling a demanding assignment already.
Branch is correct, you won’t be able to move if you’re less than 12 months on station. Also you have to keep in mind unless you get selected for SFC, Recruiter or Drill Sergeant, you’ll be on station for 36 months. While assigned in your current position there are additional duties you can attend training for to help with your career (EOL, Victim Advocate/SHARP and MRT. Good luck to you....
Being stagnant in the same position for a long period of time may or may not hurt you. If you are already KD complete then yes, I would try to get something different. A broadening (drill, recruiters, ext..) is a good next logical move but if you just got to a place and branch is saying you don’t have enough time on station, it likely will not happen. A few things you could do in the mean time to help yourself stand out is college, attend some schools, and potentially work into a staff position relative to your MOS. While it’s not a broadening assignment it does look good getting rated time outside of your normal day to day MOS.
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