Posted on Feb 5, 2015
What should happen to Brian Williams after lying about coming under fire?
Responses: 147
- Legally. Unfortunately nothing. Lying is not a crime unless it is under oath. Then it is called perjury not lying.
- Employment. Unfortunately nothing. Once upon a time this would have resulted in termination of employment due to loss of trust in the individual and loss of credibility for the organization that employs him/her.
- Culturally. Unfortunately nothing. Our culture today likes to forgive / forget if one apologies regardless of the severity of the offense. Peer pressure and public shaming are powerful tools that we do not use effectively anymore.
- Logically. Does anyone really believe Brian Williams explanation? It was 12 years ago and I told the story so many times that I became confused in my own mind. Translation: I lied so many times over the last 12 years that I started to believe my own lies until I was called out by someone who was actually there and knew I was full of shit. My bad. Sorry.
- Employment. Unfortunately nothing. Once upon a time this would have resulted in termination of employment due to loss of trust in the individual and loss of credibility for the organization that employs him/her.
- Culturally. Unfortunately nothing. Our culture today likes to forgive / forget if one apologies regardless of the severity of the offense. Peer pressure and public shaming are powerful tools that we do not use effectively anymore.
- Logically. Does anyone really believe Brian Williams explanation? It was 12 years ago and I told the story so many times that I became confused in my own mind. Translation: I lied so many times over the last 12 years that I started to believe my own lies until I was called out by someone who was actually there and knew I was full of shit. My bad. Sorry.
PO3 Anthony Williams
his integrity is in question and besides being grounded and sent to his room what else could we want his 1 st born ? he wanted the respect of service members and america , no , he shouldnt be fired he should be offered his resignation better yet he on his own he should retire
PFC Seth Bair
He had a story: I was in the bird behind the bird that got hit. They went down and had a bad time. The end. That's not a great story. "I was in a bird that got hit, we went down and spent a harrowing day in a battle zone"...that is a story that sells more, he's in the business of selling stories. Sure, it's shitty that he lied, but I can't blame the guy for spicing up a story to make more money.
SFC Jason Milliman
I think if you "can't blame the guy for lying" then you're a piece of shit like he is. Too many fellow veterans lost their lives and their "way of life" because of REAL encounters to allow some piece of shit like Brian Williams to lie in order to "make more money" or some other lame excuse. You can certainly "understand" why he did it and STILL condem him for it. He should have been fired for ethical misconduct.
SGT Russell Telker
Being that he's in the public eye, we would like to think he's held to a higher standard, but that's not the case anymore. I would like to see him not on camera anymore but don't think that'll happen.
As for stories, I've fucked up there too, most of us likely have, some to a greater degree than others. I was called out publicly for mine, made my apologies, and have moved on as best I can. It's not a question of "will someone make a mistake", it's a question of what they will do after?
As for stories, I've fucked up there too, most of us likely have, some to a greater degree than others. I was called out publicly for mine, made my apologies, and have moved on as best I can. It's not a question of "will someone make a mistake", it's a question of what they will do after?
Similar to Hillary Clinton's changing the facts about coming under attack a few years ago...
If this had been Bill O'Reilly or Sean Hannity, the press would be calling for their heads. Can you just imagine if Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck had done this?
Yet another example of the media bias... Although I think this may be far from over. Let's hope that is the case.
If this had been Bill O'Reilly or Sean Hannity, the press would be calling for their heads. Can you just imagine if Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck had done this?
Yet another example of the media bias... Although I think this may be far from over. Let's hope that is the case.
LCDR Lawrence Maclin
I REALLY wish you people quit making this a liberal/conservative issue - IT'S NOT!
COL Jean (John) F. B.
It is absolutely a liberal/conservative issue. The liberal media is biased about its reporting. If Williams had been a conservative, the media would be after his head instead of making excuses for him.
Sgt Packy Flickinger
Here's an example of liberal propaganda lies. After the Boston bombings the LIBERAL lie machine blamed it on "tea party terrorists". Yet said nothing when they turned out to be Muslims. They were even more silent when they turned out to be registered DEMOCRATS!!!
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
When you mentioned Hillary I guess We were both thinking in the same grain, an individual that constantly lies to the degree She doesn't even know the difference. She certainly isn't someone to follow and that basically is what He was starting to do honesty wise although He would still have to set records for being a habitual liar to even approach what She did and does on a regular basis. That by the way wasn't a defense for Him, He was still wrong and should be ashamed of Himself for that act.
I believe he is sorry, very sorry... for being caught.
He says he wasn't attempting to steal valor... but he stole valor.
Brian Williams is the archetype of journalist that dominates the media since the 1960s.
The journalists we remember and admire from an earlier age grew up in newsrooms as newsboys, paperboys, and printer's devils. They got their hands dirty sweeping floors, helping print papers, and delivering them to doorsteps. Those with talent and intelligence rose through the ranks writing stories. Beginning with obituaries, they advanced as they demonstrated ability.
Today's journalists don't deserve the name. They are graduates of colleges where they were indoctrinated rather than educated, and the stories they file reflect this. This is why so many have turned away from traditional media and get their news elsewhere. Thanks to the Internet there are lots of "elsewhere" to get it...
He says he wasn't attempting to steal valor... but he stole valor.
Brian Williams is the archetype of journalist that dominates the media since the 1960s.
The journalists we remember and admire from an earlier age grew up in newsrooms as newsboys, paperboys, and printer's devils. They got their hands dirty sweeping floors, helping print papers, and delivering them to doorsteps. Those with talent and intelligence rose through the ranks writing stories. Beginning with obituaries, they advanced as they demonstrated ability.
Today's journalists don't deserve the name. They are graduates of colleges where they were indoctrinated rather than educated, and the stories they file reflect this. This is why so many have turned away from traditional media and get their news elsewhere. Thanks to the Internet there are lots of "elsewhere" to get it...
TSgt (Join to see)
I just don't get it. I remember every attack in Iraq, they are printed in my brain like a scar. I was very blessed to be able to come home without a scratch and live a normal life. I don't like to talk about it and I don't like war movies or books. I felt like he did not steal valor but he stole from all those who have lived or not through these experiences and made it look like nothing just another bit of news. Apologizing was even worst; nothing that comes out of his reports will be ever taken seriously and I would hate for him to be on the front lines reporting the fight, because he doesn't deserve to be next to the fighting troops.
Lt Col (Join to see)
It seems that politicians and journalist want to steal valor. From Vietnam with purple hearts, to have to run from helicopters in Bosnia under gun fire.
And Cpt Jack you are correct, the days of watching the evening news and seeing the facts and being able to determine what is true is over. Each of the news media have their own agenda and will fire employees who do not comply with the false information being passed, to influence elections, policies, and law. Journalist need to get back to merely reporting the facts without their bias.
And Cpt Jack you are correct, the days of watching the evening news and seeing the facts and being able to determine what is true is over. Each of the news media have their own agenda and will fire employees who do not comply with the false information being passed, to influence elections, policies, and law. Journalist need to get back to merely reporting the facts without their bias.
PV2 Jondalar Cook
all my life I wanted to be a soldier and I made it to the show ( basic training and ait) but due to an anatomical quirk I was honorable discharge without having ever served a day over seas I freely admit that but this discussion over whether or not this man stole valor is upsetting to say the least I wish nothing more than that I could have gone there and done my job but was unable to and this loser claims to have gotten under fire and lied? im sorry to you gentleman that served over there I guess I honestly don't deserve to has my voice heard but it makes me sick that anyone would claim to have been through something like that and be nothing but a bold faced liar ive seen this in front of me before and it always makes me angry that people get away with it but that is just one failed soldiers opinion
SGT Scott Jacobs
I really don;t know what Army you guys were in? How about all the MSM's given out post deployment for the guys in the air conditioned hooches? Did they steal your valor, the Office who was stateside for 99% of the deployment, then shows up for 3 days and get's his CAB, MSM or LOM. C'mon man...NOT just Liberals.
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