Posted on Apr 16, 2019
So I had my ship date cancelled for tomorrow, I found out today which really hit me hard after dedicating last few months to prepare for this, my fault I know still hit me pretty hard, not gonna lie. I told my recruiter about all my issues I’ve ever had but seriously forgot a possession charge that I wasn’t convicted of “guilty by association basically” from 15 years ago.
I knew the background check would show up everything so I was honest even went as far as to go to juvenile court to get printout of anythjng they may have on my record and general district courts also, I only had traffic violations for my old trucks in the last 12 years...
I found out about it at RSP drill last month well recruiter told me it was “too easy” write a statement about incident and all would be good to go, not the case now. Some things were not listed on my application apparently that caused the background check to investigate, even tho while doing application I mentioned everything I needed to or to best of my knowledge I thought. I’m just curious how long the wait for this to hopefully be approved after NBIB had a interview 4 days before my ship date which is now cancelled and possibly losing my chance to deploy this year? I’m assuming I’ll need a moral waiver not for sure yet I pray I don’t but it is what it is. Thanks I know this isn’t the place for me to be putting info out but I’m not getting much from recruiter on timeline, or about if I will have to renegotiate my contract, if I’ll be put into a diff unit then originally assigned to and kinda need to plan ahead if it’s a long wait with work and family life! Feel like I’ve let my family and myself down really and some insight to what’s to come would be appreciated!
Posted in these groups: Ts Security Clearance98226061 Waivers
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Responses: 7
SFC Cavalry Scout
"Morale Waiver"? Never heard of it. It usually takes months for an investigator to get back at you. There are different investigators who review your e-QIP on different sections. One Agent will review your work history, another will review your financial status. Then they make notes and then an in-person investigator will do a face-to-face. Anything before 18 years of age won't matter, unless it was like murder or something. If you weren't convicted, determined guilty in a court of law and went to jail, don't sweat it. It may come up, but just answer truthfully as to what happened and why didn't you disclose it, but only if they asked. Don't be hard on yourself. Your Commander can type a memo as to why you need one, but that is a case by case.
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SFC Casey O'Mally
People tend to ask this question a lot. I used to work personnel security (I.e. the guy at your unit who tells you it is time to submit your periodic re-investigation paperwork or your clearance upgrade paperwork and helps you through the process.). The only answer I could ever give was that it takes as long as it needs to take. Obviously, the more stuff the investigator has to track down and verify, the longer it takes. That being said, I have seen answers come back in two months, I saw one that took over five years. I hate to tell you that, but that is the honest truth.

Now, what I USUALLY saw was between 4-10 months. This was about 5 years ago, I am not sure whether OPM (Office of Personnel Management - the people responsible for coordinating clearance investigations and warehousing clearance data) has gotten slower or faster since then.

Honestly, the best thing you can do is always be honest, provide as much detail as you can, and roll with the punches. I am sorry you missed your first ship date. Be patient, you'll get there eventually. Welcome to the Army.... Hurry up and wait.
SGT Nicholas M.
SGT Nicholas M.
6 y
I have 3 people in my shop currently renewing, upgrading or gaining one for the first time. The renewal for Secret has taken her over a year and a half and she still isn't done yet (10 year renewal, no face to face interview yet). I am upgrading to a TS-SCI before I leave for CIDSAC and its been less than a year (I have had my face to face interview with the investigator). And finally a Junior Soldier from Nigeria that joined with an interim clearance and its been about a year and a half and he has his Secret now. I would say OPM hasn't gotten faster or slower, but they are prioritizing based on needs of the Army?

Not that my speculation has any bearing on the OP's situation since he has a... colorful background, but I would say he is probably on a higher priority due to his status of trying to enlist, no?
SFC Casey O'Mally
SFC Casey O'Mally
6 y
SGT Nicholas M. There is a certain amount of prioritization, however there is also a question of regionality. Central office assigns investigators to check out parts of your background. An investigator covering Alaska may have a very light caseload, while one of a few covering the greater NYC are may be swamped. Plus, some investigators work faster than others, some cases are easier than others, etc. There is a lot of "luck of the draw" involved. Either way.... It all boils down to hurry up and wait. The only question is how long you have to wait!
SGT Nicholas M.
SGT Nicholas M.
6 y
Makes sense. Thanks!
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SSgt Geospatial Intelligence
(Join to see) Clearances are quite backed up. I have folks in my guard unit that have been waiting for a year + on TS clearances. The org that does them is pretty well inundated right now.
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