Posted on Apr 12, 2019
Is there a freeze on Reservists getting ADOS orders at the moment?
I was supposed to start a set of ADOS orders at the beginning of this month, so far the orders still haven't come and there doesn't seem to be an answer as to when they will. I'm being told by my BN that the army is reducing the manpower numbers of reservists on ADOS orders and because of that no one is getting ADOS orders cut anytime soon. Has anyone else heard this or have any information on what's going on?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 2
What were the ADOS orders for? What duties, start and end date, and where?
Across the board, the Army Reserve and Guard are currently overstrength on all full-time (AGR, ADOS and tech) because the Army authorized and filled a number of those positions that have yet to be funded. In just my state that unfunded problem is about $14mil, you you can imagine what that total problem is across both components.
Across the board, the Army Reserve and Guard are currently overstrength on all full-time (AGR, ADOS and tech) because the Army authorized and filled a number of those positions that have yet to be funded. In just my state that unfunded problem is about $14mil, you you can imagine what that total problem is across both components.
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