Posted on Feb 3, 2015
CPT Christopher F.
I just got an RFO to HQ INSCOM at Ft. Belvoir, anyone got any tips for the area or the unit that I will be heading to?
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Responses: 8
SFC Steven Borders
I live on post in the Woodlawn area. I love it, as it is the off post (On post) housing. So you don't have a gate guard. It has a great community center and a nice path to run in the warm weather.

Woodbridge is about 15-30 minutes away and has most the normal stuff you are looking for. Mall, furniture stores, Wal-Mart. I would recommend that, the schools are not that bad either. Just when it snows an inch they close. Be prepared for that.
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Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
Edited 10 y ago
I actually used to work on Ft Belvoir (my son was born there). And still 'local' to the area.

Living on base if you can is worthwhile, just to avoid the commute. The farther south you go, the better the price. Belvoir is in Fairfax County. South of that is Prince William (where Woodbridge is located). South of that is Stafford (Quantico is on the border of PWC & Stafford Counties).

The commuter train starts in Quantico train but doesn't go to Ft Belvoir, so.... you'll end up driving. From my house just south of Quantico to Ft. Belvoir (PX) was 90~ minutes during morning traffic. From Woodbridge (Potomac Mills Mall) it was about 1 hour. This is just to give you an idea of daily commute. Going the other direction, add an extra half hour or more.

Things to do.

You're just outside the Capitol of the Free World (30 mins from DC/Pentagon). There is LOTS to do. TOO MUCH to even it get into.

Shoot me a message, and I'll be happy to point you in the right direction. I've been here since 1999.
CPT Christopher F.
CPT Christopher F.
10 y
Thanks for the info! My wife and I are looking at houses in Alexandria. We've found a few that we like.

We're just not too sure about where exactly I will be working on post and what area would have the best amenities versus the commute.
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
10 y
Alexandria is major metro area, so you should be okay for amenities.

There's a major mall right off the base, and countless strip malls within 15 minutes.

The issue is traffic "congestion" vice distance. Just so many people on the road more than anything else. There's no way to avoid that.
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CPL Alicia Catney
Find a place in the surburbs like Woodbridge VA, or Manassas Park VA. Commute from Woodbridge VA is about 30 mins or less. Manassas Park about 1hour if your taking the Hov lanes.
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