Posted on Feb 2, 2015
SPC Lukas Jones
As I navigate the often perilous seas of the dating pool, (and since the big V day is approaching) I have found that dating other service members or veterans is easier as they more readily understand the challenges that brings to a relationship.

I'm curious to see what others think about a preference toward dating civilians, service members or prior service.
Posted in these groups: Herpes dating Dating
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Responses: 16
SGT Steven Eugene Kuhn MBA
Edited >1 y ago
Great question, I tried out all constellations in the past and came to the conclusion that it all depends on the connection between each other, impossible to generalize, go with your heart!
SPC Lukas Jones
SPC Lukas Jones
>1 y
Great advise! And I do! I just feel, personally, that a fellow service member or vet is more likely to be amenable to the constant change as well as understand the stresses that come with service.
SGT Steven Eugene Kuhn MBA
SGT Steven Eugene Kuhn MBA
>1 y
but then who will sit and listen to your war stories? lol
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PV2 Violet Case
If you ever fall in love
for me it would have to be some one who is a veteran or prior service. Because of my disabilities it makes it harder for someone to understand. I fell in love with someone over 10 yrs ago who had MS he had ups and down days. But since he was an alcoholic and I am not into drinking like that I got tired of picking him up and doing for him all the time, but when I would need a time out I thought he would understand better. He didn't and when it came time to also help take care of his alcoholic mom I could not do it and deal with my own stuff and fell apart. When I told him I was leaving he had a hard time. But after a yr being gone he quit drinking and called me one day and told me how sorry he was for treating me that way. We talk off and on as friends but will never go back to where it was before. So I would say that I am looking for someone who can understand and I can understand them better. But I look for someone with these thoughts on both sides me for him and him for me. Not sure if a military person can do this tho. I have been alone and have troubles with going on one or two dates and a guy tries to get out of line without knowing me and my life. Or trying to date a civilian and he sees that I need to get out of the crowds and get somewhere or I want my back to the wall in a restaurant. Or I have my service dog it makes it hard to date a civilian. I'm still a lady and like to be treated as such. Must have connections to move forward.
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MAJ Ken Landgren
My wife wont let me date :(
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