Posted on Feb 1, 2015
COL Ted Mc
From "The Washington Times"

Exclusive: Secret tapes undermine Hillary Clinton on Libyan war

First of three parts

Top Pentagon officials and a senior Democrat in Congress so distrusted Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s 2011 march to war in Libya that they opened their own diplomatic channels with the Gadhafi regime in an effort to halt the escalating crisis, according to secret audio recordings recovered from Tripoli.

The tapes, reviewed by The Washington Times and authenticated by the participants, chronicle U.S. officials’ unfiltered conversations with Col. Moammar Gadhafi’s son and a top Libyan leader, including criticisms that Mrs. Clinton had developed tunnel vision and led the U.S. into an unnecessary war without adequately weighing the intelligence community’s concerns.

“You should see these internal State Department reports that are produced in the State Department that go out to the Congress. They’re just full of stupid, stupid facts,” an American intermediary specifically dispatched by the Joint Chiefs of Staff told the Gadhafi regime in July 2011, saying the State Department was controlling what intelligence would be reported to U.S. officials.

[EDITORIAL COMMENT:- Has my memory slipped or is it still illegal for government/military officials to give confidential information to other countries unless specifically authorized to do so? On the other hand, I guess that one could conclude that the Democrats are just as inept as the Republicans and that NEITHER of them is capable of running the country for any purpose other than getting themselves re-elected. What say you?]
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Responses: 5
SFC Mark Merino
No matter how many times she takes the stand, the full truth will never be told.
SSgt Kevin Chavez
SSgt Kevin Chavez
>1 y
COL Ted Mc If it had happened under the Bush Administration and all facts stayed the same, your damn right I would have been crying "treason". However, I trust that the Bush Administration would have left the Army Special Security Team (SST) in Benghazi well after 9/11, heck I would bet they would still be there and Chris Stevens would have already rotated to Dubai for some RR after a hardship like Benghazi. Col Wood begged to stay in Benghazi with the endorsement of the Station RSO, because he knew they were the only reason the Facility was not being overrun. Red Cross was gone, Brits were gone after an attempt on their Ambassador life, a previous probing attack months before 9/11. For security reasons it made no sense to pull that team out, it made no sense to have Ambassador Stevens in Benghazi the night of 9/11 especially without the proper security, it was not because of money, as AFCOM was paying for the security detail. They were specifically pulled out for a reason and not in the best interest of security. I believe those actions should be considered criminal at the very least defined as dereliction of duty. I guarded Embassy's for 3 years and have been under the Operational Control of the State Department before and understand the complexity of this mission. Bottom line, someone wanted a lower level of security and it had to come from the highest levels of the State Dept and/or the office of the POTUS. Final point, it was all during an election cycle and one thing about this current POTUS he is all about Politics. Facts are facts. Makes me sick to hear these legislators calling this a made up scandal, they defile those that died that night. S/F
COL Ted Mc
COL Ted Mc
>1 y
SSgt Kevin Chavez My question is concerning the "working against your own government by undercutting its accredited representatives through giving the other side information which you know you are not allowed to reveal" part of the article and I'm not sure that you are addressing that point. If you are then we are in agreement. If you aren't, would you?
SFC Mark Merino
SFC Mark Merino
>1 y
Looks very familiar. Freedom of speech. Personal opinions....not attacking anyone's character or making threats. Nothing to see here. If you do not concur, disengage.
SSgt Kevin Chavez
SSgt Kevin Chavez
>1 y
COL Ted Mc The flow of this post seems to be different from when I responded, I was responding to the comment about whether or not Conservatives would have "cried" had this been GWB. I am not trying to be argumentative, I was just pointing out some facts that's all. I am little confused by SFC Mark Merino comment above, again not sure if this is all the same flow of comments as they happened, so I mean no disrespect, just stating facts to previous comments made. Now concerning the article in question, I find it odd that a Representative from the same party was stepping out of line, but with these players these days, anything is possible. S/F
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Lt Col Aerospace Planner
To me its not a republican vs democrat issue anymore. To me its a who is hooking my campaign up with money issue. I would like to see them govern for the masses and not for the few. I would like to have the confidence that the decisions are not being made with an underlying motive to hook a brother up at the cost of the nation.
COL Ted Mc
COL Ted Mc
>1 y
Lt Col (Join to see) I see that you are REALLY going to have a problem when the next elections roll around.
Lt Col Aerospace Planner
Lt Col (Join to see)
>1 y
Not at all. It will be business as usual.
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LTC John Shaw
COL Ted Mc Wow! I have never seen this article, but the State and Defense Department should not working against each other.
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