Posted on Mar 23, 2019
How will 92A AIT be for me as a prior service (MOS-T)?
I just reenlisted back into the army from the IRR as a 92A. I'm an E-4 with 3 years active duty. I'm headed to Fort Lee within the next month for AIT. I was wondering how AIT will be for me as an MOS-T. Will I be treated like the new recruits or will I have some sort of freedom there?
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 8
As a MOS-T you’ll have more freedom. Unless someone does something stupid within the MOS-T that’ll be there with you, you’ll be able to wear civilian clothes and go on/off post at your leisure. You will not be in the same barracks as the AIT Trainees. Just don’t forget you’re still a trainee and you still have guidelines you have to follow. Don’t let that freedom get you in trouble....Welcome Back and Good Luck to you...
Be careful when you are at Lee. A lot of brass work there and have a bunch of different schools there. You do get a lot of freedom compared to the MOS I Soldiers. Just know where they go and don’t go there.
Welcome to the greatest MOS! Just do what you have to do and you will succeed! GTrac training and GCSS-A is all you should focus on now. We do have a variety of things that we do just maintain the course.
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