Posted on Mar 23, 2019
How long does it take to get your va claim completed in preparation for decision phase?
My appeal is now in preparation for decision phase for a week now with estimated completion date between April 23, 2019-May 11, 2019. Don’t know how true those dates are.
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 2
It depends on the complexity. They have to create documents detailing the decision made. The dates supplied are better than anyone can guess.
Once it's in preparation for decision phase it will be within a month most likely. Because it doesn't take very long for them to do the claim itself or the appeal itself appeals usually take years to complete a claim only takes like 6 months to 10 months. But once it's in preparation for decision FaZe they are done reviewing all the evidence and there's like three more steps after that phase but they are quick
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