If a reservist goes to SFAS/SFQC and doesn't finish, does he stay AD or go back to reserves/NG?
What is currently happening is if you fail out of the 18X pipeline, you will be dropped back to 11B. You are awarded MOS 11B prior to going through the rest of the course.
You will need to keep several things in mind though. A conditional release is not easy to get. It depends on a couple of factors and the choice normally lies with your unit. If they are short on your MOS andit's a hard to fill unit, then most likely it will not happen. Also if you plan to wait a few years you will have to fit into what are known as the HRC business rules. This is a list of MOS' by rank that the Army is currently taking onto Active Duty. As of today 18X is only available for prior service in pay grades E-1 through E-4. So if you make E-5 in the next few years, you might face that situation. A local recruiting station will type up the 368 (conditional release) and both you and the recruiter will sign it. I have seen them come back quickly and I have seen them never come back at all.
In the current state of affairs, as a recruiter, I would question why you are going to wait. If it is something you want to do, you need to act when the opportunities are available. Hope this helps and good luck.