Posted on Mar 13, 2019
Sgt Commander, Dav Chapter #90
Last night I shared three or four links along with some text with each. this morning when I checked RallyPoint, there were zero responses...and that's okay...all of these I put under the Topic of Inspiration or Motivation... Also, I am not sure how to notify relevant members Can someone help me understand the steps needed?
Posted in these groups: 2dcac4a3 RallyPoint
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Responses: 2
LTC Kevin B.
Your shared links are on RP. I just found them.

When you're typing in a topic (i.e. a "tag"), wait until the pop-ups appear to select the most appropriate tag. If you go too fast, you'll key in a phrase that isn't an official tag, which will inadvertently reduce the post's visibility on the site. For instance, we have a tag for "Inspiration", but not for "Inspirational Speeches". I just included the "Inspiration" tag onto your shared link about Reagan. You used "Inspirational Speeches", but that isn't an official tag (although it may eventually become one if others use it enough). That may be why nobody has replied yet. I also added the "Ronald Reagan" and "Peace" tags.

To tag people, type the @ sign and the beginning of someone's name, and a list of members will appear. Select the appropriate people from there, and they'll be tagged in the post.
SGT Ben Keen
SGT Ben Keen
>1 y
LTC Kevin B. is the "Tag Master" LOL

Great 'How-to'!!
Sgt Commander, Dav Chapter #90
Sgt (Join to see)
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Thank you LTC Kevin B. for responding so quickly. I have only been on RallyPoint a short while and am still feeling my way around. Your response will greatly assist me in sharing links and adding "names" to my posts. If you will indulge me, Approx. how many names can one add. Thank you, sir.
LTC Kevin B.
LTC Kevin B.
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Sgt (Join to see) - You can tag up to 20 people in a post. Here's some more info about tagging people.
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Capt Daniel Goodman
I also had to learn how to do it, alternating between using the app on both my wife's iPhone, as well as Android tablets we have, in addition to the site here...I needed awhile to learn how and where to paste links in, sometimes, the links don't load visual imagery from a given website, if there are extraneous characters in the URL hypertext link address, one occasionally has to edit those out...the specific rooms to send a given link to, those I also needed to figure out, I still haven't quite figured out how to add a new topic for a room, I've seen the option for that on the app, I've tried it a few times, I think I'm still doing that aspect wrong...sometimes, when I can't get a given link to load, I'll send it in under the update tab, asking admin if they can assign it the right way, explaining I was having trouble loading a given link...also, on the website, on our PC, which I'm on at the moment as the Android tablets I have basically conked out, I also find quite useful being able to correct errors by using the edit feature, as the Android tablet and/or iPhone keyboards unfortunately tend to rather clumsy at times, just a few anecdotal observations I figured you might possibly find useful....
Sgt Commander, Dav Chapter #90
Sgt (Join to see)
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Thank you Capt Daniel Goodman for your great response. The response by ~72335:LTC Kevin Broom, PhD] provides great insight on to how handle most of the items you mentioned... Check out the link He provided if you haven't already... I'll get the hang of all the nuances within RallyPoint...but it may take me a while longer! LOL!
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