Posted on Mar 10, 2019
SGT Paralegal Specialist
About a year ago, I received treatment for alcohol dependance. I completed the program and have been sober since then. While I was reviewing AR 40-501, it states;

"(1) History of alcohol abuse or dependence by DSM–IV criteria is disqualifying for all Classes. (2) History of alcohol misuse maybe disqualifying for all Classes."

Does this mean my Class 1 flight physical will be denied because of my history? Or will I simply need a waiver? Thanks.
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Responses: 7
PO3 Christian Brielmaier
So before the negative comments start flowing in the comments, chat with your in service recruiter, specifically a WOFT recruiter.

The big factors are always going to be time and severity. The military has moved away from booze and bar fights and any susbstace abuse issues are serious. Even more so on the aviation side (or any other special/competitive) programs.

I’m going out on a limb and guessing you did something that got you sent to treatment. That “something” will be a big factor in determining your eligibility.

Unfortunately an alcohol related incident a year ago that got you sent to treatment is going to be a very big hurdle to jump.

Still- don’t let that stop you from trying! If it’s your goal to fly, even if you get DQed this time, keep improving and bettering yourself!

Good luck!
SGT Paralegal Specialist
SGT (Join to see)
6 y
I actually self enrolled myself into the program. I have no alcohol related incidents, just me saying I have an issue and need help. Thanks for your advice!
PO3 Christian Brielmaier
PO3 Christian Brielmaier
6 y
So first off, it's awesome that you recognized alcohol was a problem before it became a problem! It takes a lot of character and moral fortitude to do that.

The unfortunate reality is that in today's military just like in today's corporate world there is a negative stigma associated with seeking treatment. Just like I (wrongly) assumed you were involved in an incident, those reviewing your records will probably question your motives for self admittance.

The fact that there wasn't an incident works in your favor and to the right people, the fact that you sought and successfully completed treatment shouldn't hurt you.....

Now, for the big BUT:
Aviation requires many things, least among them a clear head, laser focus, and steady hands. Treatment is generally accompanied by psychiatric evaluations and sometimes, medication. Not saying it's a DQ, but there will be a metric shit ton (that's a real measurement, right?) of paperwork.

I'm by no means the authority, so my best advise is again, chat with your recruiter. And most of all, dont give up! Worst they can do is say no and if they do you just ask again!
SGT Paralegal Specialist
SGT (Join to see)
6 y
I totally understand the stigma. I am just hoping my self referral and completion of the program is on my side.

I’ll be speaking with a recruiter, however, my phase 1 physical is scheduled for tomorrow. Do you recommend postponing my physical till after I speak with a WO recruiter? PO3 Christian Brielmaier
PO3 Christian Brielmaier
PO3 Christian Brielmaier
6 y
No, I wouldn’t postpone it.
The way I see it, you’re qualified until you’re disqualified. Right now you are working through a check list. Get as much done as you can until you hit a road block. Dual track the recruiter, the will be your biggest asset. Just make sure that you get one that supports you and that you do everything you can to make your packet awesome.

Bottom line is that you will be fighting a harder battle than most so you need to put forth that extra effort.

I’ve found the guys on RP to be super helpful and approachable. There’s lots of knowledge here just make sure you fact check everything, including my advise ;)

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1SG Company First Sergeant
The only person that can disqualify you on a flight physical is the flight surgeon. Take the SIFT and go get your physical completed.

Warrant Officer Recruiting
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CW2 Aviation Mission Survivability Officer (Amso)
Your best option is to speak with your flight physical practician. They will give you further info on the matter.
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