Posted on Mar 5, 2019
Senior Promotion Elections and Preferences Mileage question?
I’m filling out my Senior Promotion Elections and Preferences for the upcoming E-8 board and trying to decide on what I should put for mileage. I don’t want to pick to short a distance and screw myself out of an assignment, but I don’t want to be traveling halfway across the country either. I’m a MilTech on the civilian side and can use leave on Friday’s but then I’m burning up half of my vacation hours earned each month. I was thinking maybe 250-300. I’d sure love to stay in my state. Is there a rule of thumb for E8?
Edited 6 y ago
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 2

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A few things I have done in the past, well, before ADOS and after ADOS, I put 3k miles to insure a chance at a vacancy with the assumption that I can request a transfer if I didn’t land where I was hoping (I was slotted in an open vacancy prior to board), called a reserve career counselor and asked them to look up vacancies, or, looked up the listed vacancies on HRC’s portal.
Hope some of this info helps. Keep us posted! I’ll be doing my packet fairly soon and the more information the better prepared we can get. Senior boards are “mysterious” enough, but in the reserves... it’s all been a halfway educated shot in the dark for me.
Hope some of this info helps. Keep us posted! I’ll be doing my packet fairly soon and the more information the better prepared we can get. Senior boards are “mysterious” enough, but in the reserves... it’s all been a halfway educated shot in the dark for me.
You need to find the vacancies and/or position locations. Was active, so wasn't an issue. I'm sure one of the NCOs more familiar with the Reserve can identify how to locate the vacancies.
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