Posted on Mar 4, 2019
CPT Nurse Practitioner
Similar question to one posted several months ago. I'm an AGR with the National Guard. I was DA Select to O4 in 2016 and have a control grade and state promotion orders. My FedRec is getting processed and I'm curious about the steps it must pass through. I know that I bypass the scrolling process, so none of the charts I’ve found pertain to this situation. Does anyone have a list of the steps the packet goes through? From a similar post, I know there are at least these steps:
1) Awaiting packet acceptance
2) Awaiting post-screening review
3) Awaiting AGR Control Grade Approval
4) Awaiting surgeon's approval
I’ve also been told the process takes about 4 weeks, which it has been. At one point, the system was down for approximately 10 days, but even with that, I’m concerned that my packet is still sitting at “awaiting post-screen review.” At what point should I be concerned and do I have any recourse if it's not processing appropriately?
Posted in these groups: Ngwastacked AGR
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Responses: 3
CPT (Other / Not listed)
From what I've seen of other AGR Soldiers who were also DA Select, once their package was signed off by the TAG the FEDREC returned in approximately one week. Their effective date of rank was the date they were transferred into the control grade. The effective date of promotion was the date they became DA select from the DA Board. I myself just had my state orders signed last week and sent forward to NGB. I was DA selected in July of 2016 but placed into the O4 position on 31 August 2017, which will be my date of rank.
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LTC Health Services Plans, Ops, Intelligence, Security,Training
How long did your DA select promotion end up taking? I am DA select also, and my Fed Rec status is showing "Awaiting post screening review" also. Moved to higher grade position 30 SEP - looking to get an idea of when the order will come down.
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CPT (Other / Not listed)
Correction: approximately two weeks.
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