Posted on Mar 1, 2019
SGT Wheeled Vehicle Operator
I couldnt find anything about that in the ar600-9.
First i was told that the 5500 was doned improperly because the recorder wrote 16.75 for neck measurements. Then i was told only soldier from our unit can be part of the tape test ( it was my usar unit s1 recorder and a national guard sfc within the same bldg.
For last i was told that only the commander can authorise the retape.?
Posted in these groups: Bilde AR 600-9
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Responses: 3
SFC Retention Operations Nco
Why bother with the retest? If the form says 16.75 and the instructions state round up, just show the form to the commander when they attempt to flag you. Walk through the calculations with the 17 inch neck showing that you are within body fat standards.
Of course, if you aren't within standards with a 17 inch neck, you're not going to get a retest. This isn't a court where your arrest is thrown out because they didn't read you your Miranda rights.
SGT Wheeled Vehicle Operator
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
This is the only time in the army i had failed a body fat, it was new to me, and a surprise. I asked to get retest 2 weeks after, and i was 25%; my allow body fat is 26%, but this wasnt enought. The training nco at 370th was saying at BN that i failed, i say that my allow is 26%, she just explained as, that when she put in the numbers, the system says i failed. Then she ask me to get retape, and i was at 21%, but this was at BN, and when i get back to home i got call by plt sergeant staying that the only approval authority is the commander, thus that 5500 my be invalid, and making this the 3rd time im trying to fix the issue. The total time i was not in regs was 2 weeks because i live 4 hours from the unit. Since then i have spent 160 dollars in gas, and 32 hours of traveling back and forward.
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MSG Intermediate Care Technician
The 5500 was done wrong because the neck should have been rounded up to the nearest .50 inch (says so on the form) for EACH measurement of the neck. Any NCO/Officer can perform a tape test (Routine weigh-ins will be accomplished at the unit level. Percent body fat assessments will be accomplished by company or similar level commanders (or their designee) in accordance with standard methods prescribed in appendix B). As for Commander only for authorization of re-tape....that's a possibility since it is the Commander's program. But, IMHO, someone is trying to blow smoke up your ass and hope you don't contradict because I found nothing in AR 600-9 about what you stated.
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SGT Wheeled Vehicle Operator
Thank you for your prompt response.
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