Posted on Feb 14, 2019
What are my odds of being able to reenlist due to EPTS?
So, from September 2018 to November 2018, I was at OSUT training at Fort Benning. However during my training, I signed a paper requestion my medical records (I'd rather not say way, it's personal). When they pulled my records they found, EPTS, I was diagnosed with major depressive disorder, PTSD, and suicidal ideations two years ago. Despite this, my RA code is 3 and I was chaptered out under a 5/11. My recruiter told me I can see a psychiatrist to get this cleared but I'd still have to get a waiver. Will it be possible for me to reenlist and what're my odds of successfully getting a waiver? Also, I'm open to any advice. Thanks!
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 2
There numerous posts asking the same thing. Search for it in the search bar under "answers". Long story short yes, but it will be very hard. Find a recruiter that will help and put the time in. They're the ones to know since the Army changes all the time.
PO1 Orlando Miller
I concur with SPC. Reenlistment code RE-3 is for individuals not qualified for continued Army service, but the disqualification is waiverable. You are ineligible for enlistment unless a waiver is granted. Whatever branch you try to enlist, you'll need a waiver.
Sounds like military service is not for you. Someone who suffers from depression and suicidal ideation with civilian stressors probably isn’t suited for a whole other level of stress when it comes to military service. Get yourself the proper help you need and best of luck!
SGT Jim Ramge, MBA
Jason - Appears he is prior service... Not quite sure what being a civilian has to do with it? Everything he spoke of appeared to be relevant to his military service and is simply looking at options to return to service after he was chaptered.
SGT (Join to see)
Okay so to clear some things up, ETPS means “existed prior to service”. Meaning these diagnoses were before his military service, and given the timeline he says he was diagnosed two years ago but he was just in basic 6 months ago meaning the PTSD and depression were from prior events. Anyone discharged before their 180 days is given a Glossary Non Prior service discharge unless major misconduct occurs meaning they are in all contexts a civilian not a veteran. SFC Rose is also completely correct the reason for the discharge I’m guessing is for these past medical diagnoses and military stress will only cause worsening of all the above. Furthermore to answer Cameron, the US Army or any Branch of service is not currently accepting applicants with prior suicidal behaviors, Major Depression or PTSD. I highly encourage you to seek assistance for your personal growth, but unless rules change very soon you are ineligible.
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