Posted on Jan 24, 2015
Did you ever get in trouble for walking on the Sergeant Major's grass, which was dirt?
I did had to go to supply get lawn mower , and rake with and cut grass mean dirt and rake and put in trash bag and tie up after that stayed off grass
Posted 10 y ago
Responses: 4
I always wondered why the CSM didn't own the grass on ranges or areas where ftx 's were conducted... It's all grass. Then nobody would be able to walk anywhere.
I got yelled at a few times for walking on some unit's grass. The grass was more like a dirt pit with small patches of thinning grass. Kind of like a balding man barely has any hair anymore. I looked down at the grass, realized it was mostly dirt, and then looked up at the Senior NCO and decided it wasn't a fight worth fighting. So I just moved over to the sidewalk.
It's always dirt... There is never grass. If you walk on actual grass it means nothing. It only seems to matter on those sparsely scattered patches of grass in a small field of dirt and rocks. You know... those ones where the grass is so out of the way that you wouldn't have stepped on it anyway...
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