Posted on Jan 24, 2019
What is an estimated timeline of when my chapter process will be complete?
Hello, I am currently in the process of a 5-17 medical chapter and I'm just looking for a basic timeline. I completed SFL-TAP, Sep Exams, basically everything required for the packet and went a couple days ago to get the rights I have during the whole process read to me by someone from TDS. My commander told me that it has to get signed by the BN Commander and a couple other people to be officially approved before I can be sent back to the US(My unit is currently on rotation in South Korea). I started this whole process back in October when I first arrived here and I'm just becoming frustrated at how slow things seem to be moving. Any info of a timeline would be greatly appreciated.
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 8
How long an admin separation takes is completely at the discretion of SOP of the command all the way up to the Brigade. It could take as little as a few weeks if SFL TAP is done.
My gut feeling without knowing the specifics of the issue or your command team would be that you would be administratively discharged after the entire unit redeploys from South Korea back to the US.
PFC (Join to see)
I have already spoke to my 1SG and she says that once it gets approved I will be sent back. But I've been told that for the past couple of months so who knows at this point. Thank you very much for your input!
LTC (Join to see)
I’d expect some issues could occur/ may occur when you retry back to your home station. I’d expect you will clear with your rear detachment and then the normal clearing of the installation. Best of luck to you. I’d recommend to not skip any steps in the process at home station. PFC (Join to see)
Nobody but your chain of command can answer that, and I believe they gave you the best answer they had. Continue planning, and save money.
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