I am by no means a DR but I feel Like I have learned a lot with Battling With this type of Invisible wound and feel I would Shed a little Light on the Subject and maybe help others understand some of their triggers and maybe show them that they are not Alone.
The Biggest thing thing for me with my PTSD is the "Unknown" at first in the Service this was a Great trait and Kept me and others alive, to Fear the "Unknown" but when Transitioning out to a more Level Civilian sector this can be a BIG task that Drains you Mentally. The more I come to grips with not knowing the "Unknown" the less the levels of stress on my plate.
SLEEP This Might Be tied into the Unknown but for me Sleep is Hard to do these days, be it Sounds or lack of Sounds or Just Thoughts running of the Unknown or just fearing the emotions that Simulate Dreadful days I try to forget. For me some of the Thing's I try to do for my self to be successful in sleep is to Wind down a bit before BED time. For me this means, trying to Promote Good thoughts in my head before BED. Also Relaxing Methods out the are Dime a dozen if you feel like you are Living in your thoughts before bed time, Google some up and give them a shot. If your still having trouble with getting to sleep that I do that Works for me Recently is just Live in the Moment (sounds dumb huh) understand your feeling and understand this is you and take in the feeling as they come and just understand that they are there for reasons, and as weird as it sounds for me this has a relaxing effect.
Does Anyone Else have Triggers Like this or Different one's?
this by no means Is all of my Triggers, but just wanted to reach-out and start a discussion, Post some of your Triggers and maybe we can help each-other out (With Still seeing a Head Doc of course) in understanding some different ways to over come the feelings of being ALONE
The Biggest thing thing for me with my PTSD is the "Unknown" at first in the Service this was a Great trait and Kept me and others alive, to Fear the "Unknown" but when Transitioning out to a more Level Civilian sector this can be a BIG task that Drains you Mentally. The more I come to grips with not knowing the "Unknown" the less the levels of stress on my plate.
SLEEP This Might Be tied into the Unknown but for me Sleep is Hard to do these days, be it Sounds or lack of Sounds or Just Thoughts running of the Unknown or just fearing the emotions that Simulate Dreadful days I try to forget. For me some of the Thing's I try to do for my self to be successful in sleep is to Wind down a bit before BED time. For me this means, trying to Promote Good thoughts in my head before BED. Also Relaxing Methods out the are Dime a dozen if you feel like you are Living in your thoughts before bed time, Google some up and give them a shot. If your still having trouble with getting to sleep that I do that Works for me Recently is just Live in the Moment (sounds dumb huh) understand your feeling and understand this is you and take in the feeling as they come and just understand that they are there for reasons, and as weird as it sounds for me this has a relaxing effect.
Does Anyone Else have Triggers Like this or Different one's?
this by no means Is all of my Triggers, but just wanted to reach-out and start a discussion, Post some of your Triggers and maybe we can help each-other out (With Still seeing a Head Doc of course) in understanding some different ways to over come the feelings of being ALONE
Posted 10 y ago
Responses: 11

Suspended Profile
SGT Aaron Olivas. The unmistakable sound of a UH-1D Huey Slick / Gun / DUSTOFF / MEDEVAC Helicopter.
Warmest Regards, Sandy
Warmest Regards, Sandy
Hello everyone. I am sogreatfull for all that u guys have wtitten. It seems like im not alone out there. I just wish there was something that i can do to turn off all these crazy thoughts that go threw my head. Im also scared to explain to these doctors , because im a single father and have been raising by two children for about 7 years and im not sure what these doctors might do to le or think of me. So i tell them alittle bit but only god knows about all the crazy things that go threw my head. I pray for everyone that has ptsd and beleive me i do. As i read threw alot of u guys stories i no it sounds dumb bit im glad im not alone. Even though i am.
SGT Aaron Olivas
Never Alone SPC Andres Padilla, Feel free to add me as a Contact and connect with me anytime. I feel you on wanting to only say so much to the VA head Doctors for fear of anything. That being said there is a lot of trust that comes along with relaying personal information. If you have not found a DR that you feel like you can open up to yet, feel free to find someone that best fits your needs ( while still seeing your old doctor till you get in to see the new one of course) Also like I stated in my post I am no DR, but i feel like talking to those that understand you ( while seeing a head DR) can help you decompress and feel apart of a Group not alone anymore.
SPC Andres Padilla
Thanks bro. . I just feel and many lthers feel lime we r broken men but r still expectex to act like normal guys. But we all have a certain look when we r about to loose it and we calm each other down . And again its so hard to trust anyone unless they were there and had ur back in certain situations so again thanks u bro ill keep in touch . God bless
SGT Aaron Olivas
The way I look at it is just like the Army they give you Weapons to fight the WAR, before each mission we do our PCC-and PCI's to make sure we are fit for the DAYs battle. We Cant WIN the war on our PTSD without the right weapons ( Breathing Techniques and Claiming techniques) but we Can't Win the WAR in one DAY but we can win the DAY's BATTLES with the right Weapons and Support (Friends, Battle Buddies,DR's) and mindset. Try to take your Struggles by each day brother and Focus on the days Battle. Always hear to talk, and don't forget everyone will have there ways to work thru things , its about trying things and keeping the (Weapons) that work best for you brother-
I am on my 4th wife and it looks like that is about over too. Most of the time I can catch my situation and remove myself from it to get breathing room and settle my mind a little, but a spouse who does not understand all this most of the time will not let you back off. The only permanent thing I see in life is Doctors and medications which do help but THERE IS NO CURE. I have did my best to explain and even got my Dr to try, but I'm sure there are a lot of you out there who know that when she has you cornered there is no escape! I have never layed a hand on a spouse for any reason, so I just wonder how long it will be before I end up being comitted or moving to a mountain top and becoming a hermit.
SGT Aaron Olivas
I have a Saying that I tell Everyone I meet " the only thing I can't fix is a Marriage" It's Hard work brother, I almost threw in the Towel years ago, but we where able to find some common ground. I few changes I made with my Marriage that might or might not work for you are. Write down on paper your Triggers and Issues that you have ( being sometimes when we have our PTSD moments we don't explain well) and read them over with your WIFE. One thing that Really help my Marriage was Couples Counselling. Try to Find your local VET Center and enroll in some Counselling with your Wife if you have not done so Already. the biggest thing they teach you is (I) Statements, never tell anyone what or how they are feeling, it turn a conversation into a well....an argument (EX: you never listen!!!) instead use (I feel like when Im trying to talk to you that I don't have your full attention) like i said Not a DR, but maybe this might make you feel not alone, and maybe give you a Grid point of where to go.
Read This Next
Warmest Regards, Sandy
p.s. It's easy to learn to fly . . . visit general aviation field . . . look up CAP & flight schools . . .
o http://www.gocivilairpatrol.com/cap_home/pilots/
o http://www.gocivilairpatrol.com/how_to_join/pilots_faq/
Pilots - Civil Air Patrol - United States Air Force Auxiliary
In the late 1930s, more than 150,000 volunteers with a love for aviation argued for an organization to put their planes and flying skills to use in defense of their country. As a result, the Civil Air Patrol was born one week prior to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.