I've seen "Guard 4.0" referenced everywhere from the Army Times to my own state's OPORDs, but I haven't been able to find any documents discussing what it actually entails. I've already approached my higher HQ and they're not really sure either. What I have found are bits and pieces of information in different articles and websites. As a member of the AGR force this new initiative will likely have a significant impact on my duties and responsibilities. I'm admittedly curious as well. Is there an unclassified brief or document out there with more specifics?
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 3
Interesting summary article, but nothing official
Interesting summary article, but nothing official

Army National Guard 4.0: Effort Means 'Evolutionary Leap' for Citizen-Soldiers
A shift is underway in the Army National Guard that will change the way units of citizen-soldiers train, mobilize and deploy.
More MUTAs per year and increased training center rotations for some units to ensure that they can augment the active force on a decreased timeline.
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