Posted on Jan 18, 2019
How does 1 reconcile being administratively denied VA dependent benefits of a 100% Service Connected Vietnam Era Soldier?
I always qualified as a Vietnam Era Veteran Dependent Child. I never would see one benefit. I applied, after my 26th Birthday (the VA cut off limit age for DEA) when my father was discovered a Vietnam Era 66-68 11 LIB Soldier. He was found VA Service Connected 100% SC Permanent Total. I was denied with No Waiver. The law assumes I actually knew my dad in the age cut off limit of 26. The law assumes I made a conscious effort and did not apply for my benefit. The reality is quite different. My dad was injured in my childhood, there were stints of homelessness as kid, no VA support then or now, as a dependent. I just wanted to go to school as his son when I found out I actually finally should feel proud to be the son of a Veteran myself. That's not to mention my own 8 Yr SAM Sea Air Mariner reserve enlistment did not qualify for VA support benefits because although honorable and 5 years assigned to a FFG, and a sea service ribbon etc etc, I was never given orders of 2 years full time service. I was only notified after service and in need of support that the VA did not consider my enlistment for veteran benefits supports unlike all the other 200 plus sailors on the FFG who had USN or TAR enlistments.
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 4
PO3 Aaron Hassay
Humanitarian Missions all over the globe We the Unites States show up sacrifice spend in Bosnia Rwanda Haiti etc etc etc. We are good people! Humanitarian Missions! Billions Spent PHD's MD's sent.
My claim to go to school under DEA was denied. I have no idea how my life would of turned out if the VA would of granted me a waiver. It would cost thousands to send me to school with a wavier to access the benefits I would otherwise qualify for.
The last year has been filled with drinking depressions side drama unable to access school for music, have something else to focus on that I want to do like to go to school for what I want. Yes I get more then a little bent when all the services that veterans and dependents are thought to enjoy to stabilize improve their lives are denied.
I thought maybe it was a benefit to be the son of a Vietnam Era Soldier when I found out what the history of my dad really was.
How do they suspect kids of injured service members would succeed or compete when their is not humanitarian waivers leniency granting veteran benefits support instead of limiting them based on statutes of limitations that have no understanding of real conditions?
If the father injured due military service is the only male figure in a small family then the child is certainly going to be limited in support based on lack of family supports beyond the father.
The law is written that child dependents can go to school under DEA up to age 26 if the child of a 100% Service Connected Veteran.
Of course the law assumes 1) that the veteran was granted 100% in a timely manner like the law suggest Veteran Benefits SHOULD be awarded.
The law does not assume other realities that leave families and children without support.
I think it is honorable to treat our own society with humanitarian power.
My claim to go to school under DEA was denied. I have no idea how my life would of turned out if the VA would of granted me a waiver. It would cost thousands to send me to school with a wavier to access the benefits I would otherwise qualify for.
The last year has been filled with drinking depressions side drama unable to access school for music, have something else to focus on that I want to do like to go to school for what I want. Yes I get more then a little bent when all the services that veterans and dependents are thought to enjoy to stabilize improve their lives are denied.
I thought maybe it was a benefit to be the son of a Vietnam Era Soldier when I found out what the history of my dad really was.
How do they suspect kids of injured service members would succeed or compete when their is not humanitarian waivers leniency granting veteran benefits support instead of limiting them based on statutes of limitations that have no understanding of real conditions?
If the father injured due military service is the only male figure in a small family then the child is certainly going to be limited in support based on lack of family supports beyond the father.
The law is written that child dependents can go to school under DEA up to age 26 if the child of a 100% Service Connected Veteran.
Of course the law assumes 1) that the veteran was granted 100% in a timely manner like the law suggest Veteran Benefits SHOULD be awarded.
The law does not assume other realities that leave families and children without support.
I think it is honorable to treat our own society with humanitarian power.
Sgt (Join to see)
PO3 Aaron Hassay - Life is not always fair, but at some point we have to move on with our life. Have you taken advantage of your G.I. Bill?
PO3 Aaron Hassay
Man this feels like hell
I just needed support friends a way to get my life up and running. You know that is why I joined the Navy to serve and also have a path to greatness. I never considered the VA would say I was not a veteran for veteran purposes and stop service and then kick me out of the Veteran Center and CALVET has the same requirement of 2 years full time service. My 8yr enlistment was created never to reach these limits.
The quick answer is due my own GI BIll in the SAM program I was going to school using the GI Bill while also assigned to the FFG 1994-1999. The goal made in recruiting was to go to school become an officer while enlisted. I got ill on the FFG and dropped out of school ill confused 1999. I used my GI Bill but dropped out and never completed the education. I was ill on the ship. I put in a chit 1998 to transfer to the Army. Details to follow.
So when I found out about my dad I found out about the DEA. I was 30 when I met him
During these years and after, all I hear is how Vietnam Veteran were treated upon return. Few consider the reality of how that would affect their families with lack of Veteran Affairs Supports.
My dad did 2 years in the Army 66-68 11 LIB from what I understand MOS Radio Operator. When I finally met him we would finally discuss the possible differences of a 8 Year Obligated Enlistment in the Reserve Side (mine the SAM enlistment) and the 2 year Active Enlistment. Depending on many circumstances both can be extremely taxing dangerous and life altering.
My childhood: How does a young guy High School Varsity Athlete and Meritorious Honor Bootcamp Graduate end up homeless distraught confused suicidal being denied all supports even health care from the VA for years?
Lack of Family Father Support?
Lack of in Service Support on the Ship?
Navy Experience with no precedence being assigned to a FFG for 5 years with a SAM Enlistment that would never be viewed by VA for Veteran Benefits Support Health Care even with honorable service
Lack of Veteran Benefits both Dependent and as a Veteran?
I piece together the puzzle honorably of my life.
All should know I requested through chit on the ship to transfer to the Army where USMPECOM and USAREC 3P Permanently Profiled the transfer and I was sent back to the ship 1998 ( the proof of the Permanent Profile 3P details Psych Spine Musculosketal only became aware of a few years ago via FOIA request fullfilled ).
--THE SAM PROGRAM REVIEWED By 3rd Parties in earlier RallyPoint Thread--
Here are quotes responses from previous questions about the rare SAM program I enlisted into 1994. It was a 8 Year Obligation. I did not have contact of my father.
LCDR Rabbah Rona Matlow
"Are there any other Sea/Air Mariner Program folks in RP land? I don't know, but if you see this, please speak up...
I have done some research about this program. It appears that unless sailors in this program augment to an active component, they are very limited on benefits, etc. They only get a DD-265 Reserve Component discharge paper, and NOT a DD 214.
This program has been discontinued, and it's a good thing. It was an atrocious program...
In general, reservists who are not augmented or activated such as in Title 10 don't get 214's except for periods of activation..."
CMDCM Gene Treants 4 y
"Totally agree LCDR Rabbah Rona Matlow this was a terrible program unless you augmented and went active. There was NO real training for the majority of these reservists and they would get no real benefits at the end of their enlistment period."
--Place a young limited experienced guy on on FFG and qualify him in all full time qauls--
The pictures are below of a FFG in Flight OPS rolling pitching Operational
Google The USS SIDES FFG 14 and USS COPELAND FFG 25. I was assigned for 5 years to both these active duty commands. Tell me I was at a reserve center. Tell me I was a reservist not in an active duty command supporting augmenting the ship.
The VA sent me a notice to deny service when it was discovered I never had 2 years full time service over those 8 years enlistment. The law changed in 1980 that required 2 years full time service for veteran benefits health care eligibility. Previous 1980 only 1 day of service would qualify for veteran benefit health care eligibility.
I wish some veterans on here would help me figure out how to get some support to pay the tuition of a music program I really want to accomplish.
I just needed support friends a way to get my life up and running. You know that is why I joined the Navy to serve and also have a path to greatness. I never considered the VA would say I was not a veteran for veteran purposes and stop service and then kick me out of the Veteran Center and CALVET has the same requirement of 2 years full time service. My 8yr enlistment was created never to reach these limits.
The quick answer is due my own GI BIll in the SAM program I was going to school using the GI Bill while also assigned to the FFG 1994-1999. The goal made in recruiting was to go to school become an officer while enlisted. I got ill on the FFG and dropped out of school ill confused 1999. I used my GI Bill but dropped out and never completed the education. I was ill on the ship. I put in a chit 1998 to transfer to the Army. Details to follow.
So when I found out about my dad I found out about the DEA. I was 30 when I met him
During these years and after, all I hear is how Vietnam Veteran were treated upon return. Few consider the reality of how that would affect their families with lack of Veteran Affairs Supports.
My dad did 2 years in the Army 66-68 11 LIB from what I understand MOS Radio Operator. When I finally met him we would finally discuss the possible differences of a 8 Year Obligated Enlistment in the Reserve Side (mine the SAM enlistment) and the 2 year Active Enlistment. Depending on many circumstances both can be extremely taxing dangerous and life altering.
My childhood: How does a young guy High School Varsity Athlete and Meritorious Honor Bootcamp Graduate end up homeless distraught confused suicidal being denied all supports even health care from the VA for years?
Lack of Family Father Support?
Lack of in Service Support on the Ship?
Navy Experience with no precedence being assigned to a FFG for 5 years with a SAM Enlistment that would never be viewed by VA for Veteran Benefits Support Health Care even with honorable service
Lack of Veteran Benefits both Dependent and as a Veteran?
I piece together the puzzle honorably of my life.
All should know I requested through chit on the ship to transfer to the Army where USMPECOM and USAREC 3P Permanently Profiled the transfer and I was sent back to the ship 1998 ( the proof of the Permanent Profile 3P details Psych Spine Musculosketal only became aware of a few years ago via FOIA request fullfilled ).
--THE SAM PROGRAM REVIEWED By 3rd Parties in earlier RallyPoint Thread--
Here are quotes responses from previous questions about the rare SAM program I enlisted into 1994. It was a 8 Year Obligation. I did not have contact of my father.
LCDR Rabbah Rona Matlow
"Are there any other Sea/Air Mariner Program folks in RP land? I don't know, but if you see this, please speak up...
I have done some research about this program. It appears that unless sailors in this program augment to an active component, they are very limited on benefits, etc. They only get a DD-265 Reserve Component discharge paper, and NOT a DD 214.
This program has been discontinued, and it's a good thing. It was an atrocious program...
In general, reservists who are not augmented or activated such as in Title 10 don't get 214's except for periods of activation..."
CMDCM Gene Treants 4 y
"Totally agree LCDR Rabbah Rona Matlow this was a terrible program unless you augmented and went active. There was NO real training for the majority of these reservists and they would get no real benefits at the end of their enlistment period."
--Place a young limited experienced guy on on FFG and qualify him in all full time qauls--
The pictures are below of a FFG in Flight OPS rolling pitching Operational
Google The USS SIDES FFG 14 and USS COPELAND FFG 25. I was assigned for 5 years to both these active duty commands. Tell me I was at a reserve center. Tell me I was a reservist not in an active duty command supporting augmenting the ship.
The VA sent me a notice to deny service when it was discovered I never had 2 years full time service over those 8 years enlistment. The law changed in 1980 that required 2 years full time service for veteran benefits health care eligibility. Previous 1980 only 1 day of service would qualify for veteran benefit health care eligibility.
I wish some veterans on here would help me figure out how to get some support to pay the tuition of a music program I really want to accomplish.
Sgt (Join to see)
PO3 Aaron Hassay - Save money form you job to pay for the cost of this music program.
You can consider reconciling it by understanding it wasnt personal, rather, it was simply the application of the law that there is a cut off. This would be similar to those Veterans whose children turn 26 while they appeal their determinations, only to finally be rated 100% P&T.
I don't know enough about the SAM to opine on that part.
I will posit that if you were paid, there is a record of pay and accompanying orders somewhere that would support any AD time. However, AD time doesn't guarantee much support from the VA, and you haven't specified what support you believe you're entitled to from your service. Plenty of experience and knowledge on here, though. Doesn't hurt to clarify.
I don't know enough about the SAM to opine on that part.
I will posit that if you were paid, there is a record of pay and accompanying orders somewhere that would support any AD time. However, AD time doesn't guarantee much support from the VA, and you haven't specified what support you believe you're entitled to from your service. Plenty of experience and knowledge on here, though. Doesn't hurt to clarify.
What exactly are you asking? Can you not go to school, or feel proud to be the son of a Vietnam Vet if you aren’t getting certain VA benefits?
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