Posted on Jan 21, 2015
Does it bother you to hear "Thank you for your service!"?
All active duty stand down(but don't walk away, this will effect you later) Veterans does it ever bother you to hear that? "Thank you for your service" I apologize but it mmmm...bugs me something awful, telling me " your done go sit down and grow feeble " needs changed to something that endures like we do something like "YO JOE!" or another saying meaning get outta my way theres work to do and I ain't done yet! Forgive if I wasted your time, just wondering.
Posted 10 y ago
Responses: 620
I'm sorry, but I consider any reconization better than what we received 30-35 years ago. It makes me feel as if at least someone knows I exist and did something.
SSG Ted Strachan
I look at it is if I am accepting thanks on behalf of every one who served, especially those who are no longer around to hear it. It warms the cockles of my old heart to hear that, especially when it comes from a young kid or teen who was obviously taught something worthwhile by someone, or from a revered older veteran.
SPC (Join to see)
nobody understands unless you serve Vietnam veterans deserve better I've always thank other service members for their service cuz I appreciate your sacrifice for their duty and honor and for the love of our country
PO3 Christopher Leroux
Doesn't bother me at all because they do so with the utmost sincerity. They don't know what we as service men and women have done or gone through. It's the only thing that they know to say.......which my normal reply is "HOOOOOOYAH!!!!" and then Thank you.
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
I'll scroll through the other comments, but this one pretty much says it. Sure is better than someone spitting at you as was done in the 60s & 70s. I'm certainly not offended when someone says this to me.
No, SPC Larry Buck. I don't think that's offensive at all. My goodness, folks are thanking you for defending their freedom, for serving our country. It's all good. I don't take it in a negative way at all, no way no how. Thank me for my service any time you like.
MSgt Sharon Mallory-Robinson
Where I live there is a large percentage of the population that has served. We normally don't say anything to each other, just smile and nod in recognition. The one time that really got to me, I was at lunch with some from my unit, in uniform, and a group of WWII vets came up to us and said it. You'd have thought we were all raw recruits the way we jumped up when we looked up and saw them. We were able to speak to them for a bit before they had to leave, but it was one of the times it meant the most to me to hear it.
CW5 (Join to see)
Thanks for sharing that, MSgt Sharon Mallory-Robinson. I'll bet that encounter did have a special meaning for you and your colleagues.
MSgt Sharon Mallory-Robinson
CW5 Montgomery, it did. I worked with a joint unit at that time, so we had everyone except Marines with us. Our Marine of One, as we called him, wasn't with us that day. I have always enjoyed talking to the Vets who came before me, I have learned a great deal from them.
I was tempted to judge the sincerity of the proffered thanks, but how can I? Really? Even if it's said automatically, as when someone says "Bless you" when you sneeze, don't we still respond? Isn't that just polite?
So now I just respond "It was an honor to serve" and leave it at that, without judging.
So now I just respond "It was an honor to serve" and leave it at that, without judging.
SFC Eric Williams
Thanks Capt Jack. You just gave me my future future response will bakery's be "It IS and will ALWAYS BE an honor to serve". Thanks sir!
SFC Robert Guinther
Whenever I am thanked me for my service, I always respond by saying " thank you for your support "
PVT (Join to see)
When I tell people I enlisted and they thank me, I don't feel like "you're welcome" is quite right so I have been unsure how best to respond. Now I have a great response (that I'll alter to fit my level of experience).
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