Posted on Jan 13, 2019
Do I need a car in the first 4 years in the Army if I live in the barracks and I am single?
I am going to Baumholder, Germany in 2 months and I am not sure if I must bring my car. I don’t want to because it is crashed and I want to fix it in the States.
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 13
I don't know about Baumholder, but Germany in general is very easily navigated without a car. Some folks buy one locally and sell it when they leave. I just took trains everywhere. I recommend a mountain bike, as there are bike paths all over creation in Germany.
For the most part, a personal vehicle is unnecessary in Germany. Posts are typically small enough to walk everywhere easily, and once you figure out the train system it is fairly easy and inexpensive to travel around. Save your money; use public transportation and your feet.
LTC John Mohor
SSG Steven Bailey train station less than 15 minutes away in Heimbach, GE when I was stationed in Baumholder.
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