Posted on Jan 9, 2019
PFC(P) Utilities Equipment Repairer
So I'm re enlisting into the NG and I've been out of the reserves since 2013, and my DD214 shows completion of service RE 1 code but my recruiter dis a REDD report on me and it showed ZZ for the code. Anybody else ever have this issue?
Posted in these groups: Aa636cc5 DD214Armyrecruitposter RecruiterBt Basic Trainee
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Responses: 3
SGM Jeff Mccloud
The ZZ on a REDD report does not matter. The RE 1 on your DD 214 does.
The REDD report is primarily for your ASVAB line scores.
The ZZ just means that no data was input on your Separation Program Designator Code in DMDC.
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SGT Eric Davis
Did the recruiter say it was a problem? If not then don’t about it!

Also the reason your recode say zz maybe cause you was reserve and not active duty Cause when I was reserve and came back from deployment I didnT have a re code it said N/a! So if the recruiter don’t have a problem then you shouldn’t!
PFC(P) Utilities Equipment Repairer
PFC(P) (Join to see)
6 y
Apparently he's waiting on a response from upper command he sent the report up and said we can't move further until he finds out more
SGT Eric Davis
SGT Eric Davis
6 y
Or try a different recruiterPFC(P) (Join to see)
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SPC Petroleum Supply Specialist
From what I understand. Ive put the puzzle pieces together mostly. Im also a ZZ code. Your being tracked by the military. Kind of like you'd track a dog or cat. Look up kadena air base. Your probably being used in some sort of AI experiment or there using you as like a target to fly planes and drones. It's extremely traumatizing but once a soldier always a soldier. You have a very important role right now and just know it's good work Your helping people in need of evacuation during natural disasters just stay mentally strong brother. Im also ZZ. Just try ur best to get sober stay sober and go about your daily life. Show your recruiter i sent you this. I know everything that's going on. Your doing good work your family is to be provided for financially and they will help you financially if things get mentally rough. We got this. Stay strong. I find playing board games helps doing puzzles stuff like that. I quit drinking coffee too and that helps a little.stay strong soldier
I promise we're doing good work we're saving people in a way just by showing up in everyday life to our jobs and to like i go to yoga or barre. Keep on doing you.
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