Posted on Jan 20, 2015
SFC Josh Jackson
B7k ccwcqaipv1j
I'd like to hear your thoughts on this. In the interest of full disclosure, I'm not Christian, but I am something of a Christian sympathizer. I wouldn't think twice about seeing a recruiting sign like this. But that's just me...
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Responses: 182
Maj Chris Nelson
I think that too many people are offended by too much.
MAJ Kelly Williamson
MAJ Kelly Williamson
10 y
I come from the "Old School." I fight for GOD & COUNTRY!
SSgt Pharmacy Technician
SSgt (Join to see)
10 y
I was raised Catholic. I strongly believe however, that this country is a Christian country and it should not offend anyone if they happen to see remnants of that around. This country was founded on those principles and even if they do not align perfectly with my beliefs it is what made this country what it is so why would anyone want to change it? I believe freedom of religion is the right to practice whatever religion you want, or none at all. I do not believe this includes the right to have items removed because they do not fall in line with what you want them to be. If you don't like it...don't look at it, as long as nobody if forcing you to practice that religion or discriminating against you for practicing a different or no religion, I don't see any problems at all.
SGT Squad Leader
SGT (Join to see)
10 y
I am not offended, but it is inappropriate. It hearkens back to the days of the Crusades. That is poor taste. The military has constantly fought the image of being on another Holy Crusades...yet, something like this can easily be used for propaganda on the other side.

While I know some may be excited at the idea of radicalizing another Muslim -- it is not, and should not, be the goal of the military.
SSG Uh 60 Crewchief
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>1 y
Cpl Brett Wagner - Where is God referenced in the Constitution?
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SFC Intelligence Analyst
I am not going to vote because it does not offends me, but I think that the poster is inappropriate. I did not join the religious army, I joined the United States Army and it's mission it's to defend this country, not a religion
SFC Intelligence Analyst
SFC (Join to see)
10 y
SMSgt Minister Gerald A. Thomas
coffee and a debate, sounds like a great idea
MSG Mechanic 2nd
MSG (Join to see)
>1 y
i'm Christian I believe in a high power whether it be god, budda or what ever, but the fact that this country was originally started for religious freedom says a lot, how you view the poster is up to you, whether its Christian, jewish, buddist, muslim, or any of the other factions there of, the word god is all encompanycing, its just a matter of your beliefs, so get over it, myself i'm getting tired of the minority ruling the majority, we live together we fight together and suffer together you respect me, i'll respect you period
SSG G Smith
SSG G Smith
>1 y
There are times when your training and/or your battle buddy in the foxhole aren't enough to help you make it home. It is in my opinion that at that time only God can step in to save your butt.

Btw when you reenlisted did you say "so help me God"? Just curious.
SGT Psyop Specialist
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>1 y
Exact same for me SFC (Join to see) . I am not offended what so ever, but I find it inappropriate to be using religion as a recruiting tool..
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CW5 Desk Officer
Edited 10 y ago
Good question, SFC Josh Jackson. Nice use of a survey.

I'm disappointed that the poster had to be removed, not just because it reflects my beliefs, but because it's a clever way to appeal to a certain population of the country. This move, in my opinion, reflects the direction our country is moving. I'm disappointed by that, but not surprised.
MSgt Michael McCoy
MSgt Michael McCoy
10 y
TSgt Bailey, I was just going to make the same remark. The number of nones grows with each generation.
PO1 Steven Kuhn
PO1 Steven Kuhn
10 y
TSgt Scott Bailey and MSgt Michael McCoy do either of you consider yourselves an American Patriot? Here is a quote from the "Father of Our Country", George Washington: "No one can have a successful career in the public arena (politics) without the pillars of morality and religion, and anyone who attempts to take them out of the public arena can in no ways call themselves a patriot"! You can look the quote up for yourself. The reason y'all feel the way you do is because you have not had the opportunity to study the TRUE history of America. If President Washington said it, I respect it. Not trying in any way to defame of insult you, just stating an actual quote from someone that almost everyone would respect, consider a true patriot, and try and emulate. The information is out there, all you have to do is study it. Seek and ye shall find!


MSgt Michael McCoy
MSgt Michael McCoy
10 y
If having a belief in any gods is a requirement to be considered a patriot, then I suppose I am not one and I'll gladly say it. I have no need for your god or any gods. My actions speak for themselves and I live without regard to how others say I am supposed to live. One day I'll be dead and gone, but the lessons I teach will continue through my children. In the end we're all going to be the stardust whence we came, no matter what our beliefs.
PO1 Steven Kuhn
PO1 Steven Kuhn
10 y
TSgt Scott Bailey did you know that sarcasm can be used as a defense mechanism for a weak mind Not saying that you have one, just stating another fact that can be researched via a variety of sources. I do not doubt that people who do not have faith in God can have morals. I have already been through this dog and pony show with a bunch of people who try and put words in my mouth that never came out of my mouth. But what is your absolute standard for hitting the morality and integrity mark? What is your measuring stick? You do not have one without faith in a Higher Power. As for the George Washington patriotism test, it amazes me that people know so little about the Father of our Nation and a famous patriot. Maybe the point I made does not interest you because it is valid and would force you to reevaluate yourself. No worries, just right, eh? And I have heard so many trolls use the word troll to describe something they want to run away from because they lack the morals and integrity to have an open and honest and respectful conversation about a topic so they throw out the troll word. Sort of like little kids fighting over sharing toys. I had hoped that we could get past the petty stuff and have a mutually respectful conversation, but I can see that I hurt your feelings and bruised your ego with my response and I apologize for pointing out facts that are a matter of public record that you do not want to know. Please forgive me and have a wonderful day.


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