Posted on Jan 4, 2019
How long does it take to get an Eye waiver from USAREC?
Recruiter submitted eye waiver on my behalf through MEPS to USAREC, with his boss saying there was a good chance the waiver would be approved. My question is how long will the waiver take to get approved, as it has been 4 weeks already and he said he hasn't heard anything from the MEPS tracker. I'm considering driving up to their office and discussing with someone as my whole process has been going on for 4 months?
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 4
Depends on a lot of things. Do you have a board coming up for your position? How complicated is the waiver? Is it a simple one like astigmatism or more complex eye condition? I had to have a waiver for astigmatism and my waiver was approved in about 3 weeks, but my packet was also due at a board in less than 2 months so it probably helped speed things up.
Ehije Dickson
Waiver is for laser surgery done to fix a retina tear (the tear was still in its early stages and caught by the opthalmologist), USAREC at first required more proof of surgery and a full eye exam, all was done and opthalmologist stated all was clear.
Depends on a lot of things. I’ve seen some waivers take 3 days I’ve seen some take 30+ days. No exact rhyme or reason. A general rule is to wait 7-10 business days for an answer before you start looking for additional answers. Once the waiver is sent it’s out of the MEPS hands and there isn’t a whole lot anyone can do to hurry it along.
Waivers can take up to a few months based on how many were submitted prior to yours.
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