Posted on Dec 12, 2018
Will I be able to reenlist after being discharged with a Chapter 5-17, due to a hip and knee condition?
I was in the California National guard and got discharged with a chpt 5-17 for a hip and knee condition. I've been out for 10 months and have been getting treated by the VA. I knew when I discharged that I was gonna reenlist once I get my condition taken care of, I've talked to 2 recruiters and I'm under the impression there pulling my leg a bit because of my Re code which is a 3. The first recruiter told me I could reenlist but that I would have to redo basic training all over again, even though I graduated AIT, have a dd-214 and was in AIT for 11 weeks. I thought something was fishy about that cause at first she said because I graduated basic she could send me straight back to AIT , then after I emailed her my dd-214 she changes her story. Second recruiter was blowing up my phone trying to get me to go active duty, now that I talked to him about the chpt 5-17 for the hip and knee condition he goes quite (stopped blowing up my phone, never replied after that) The JAG attorney I called said the recruiter was bs-ing me and that I if I reenlist I should go back to AIT or any AIT depending on the reenlistment since on my record is says I graduated basic training, recruiters just don't want to do the paperwork. So I just want to get this cleared up, I'm under the impression I can reenlist for sure its just gonna be a whole lot of games when it comes to trying to not have the recruiters short cut and make me redo basic training correct?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
Here is another Soldier getting screwed over by the easy wrong chpt 5-17 instead of the easy right MEDBOARD for the knee and hip condition.............Google and Look at AR 601-210 chapter 3....... I forget which section pertains to you, but it's in chapter 3........... it also tells you what each RE code mean........ But considering the fact that you been through basic, AIT and recieved dd214, you shouldn't have to attend basic training all over again due to the fact you have not been out long enough. If you can get waiver, I can understand you going to AIT for another MOS possibly.....
It is unlikely, unless you can get a doctor to certify the the condition would no longer significantly impair your service.
See also DoDI 6130.30, and check whether the condition is waiverable.
RE Code 3 means you need a waiver.
What is the 3 letter Separation Code, which should be in the box to the immediate left of the RE Code?
Chapter 5-17 (Other Designated Physical or Mental Conditions). This Chapter is very similar to Chapter 5-13, except that it covers conditions that fail to rise to what the doctors call a “disorder.” These are conditions such as chronic airsickness or seasickness, dyslexia, sleepwalking, claustrophobia or “other disorders manifesting disturbances or perception, thinking, emotional control or behavior sufficiently severe that the Soldier’s ability to effectively perform military duties is significantly impaired.” The key factor is that the condition must significantly impair a Soldier’s ability to perform his/her assigned military tasks.
See also DoDI 6130.30, and check whether the condition is waiverable.
RE Code 3 means you need a waiver.
What is the 3 letter Separation Code, which should be in the box to the immediate left of the RE Code?
Chapter 5-17 (Other Designated Physical or Mental Conditions). This Chapter is very similar to Chapter 5-13, except that it covers conditions that fail to rise to what the doctors call a “disorder.” These are conditions such as chronic airsickness or seasickness, dyslexia, sleepwalking, claustrophobia or “other disorders manifesting disturbances or perception, thinking, emotional control or behavior sufficiently severe that the Soldier’s ability to effectively perform military duties is significantly impaired.” The key factor is that the condition must significantly impair a Soldier’s ability to perform his/her assigned military tasks.
1SG (Join to see)
PV2 Tamara Fisher JFV = JFV - Physical condition, not a disability, interfering with performance of duty,
If the medical condition had resolved, your doctor certifies that it wouldn't interfere with performance of military duties, MEPS doctors agree with your doctor, the medical condition isn't restricted by DoDI 6230.30, AND you can get a waiver for the RE3, then you might be able to reenlist.
If the medical condition had resolved, your doctor certifies that it wouldn't interfere with performance of military duties, MEPS doctors agree with your doctor, the medical condition isn't restricted by DoDI 6230.30, AND you can get a waiver for the RE3, then you might be able to reenlist.
You will definitely need a waiver. I would recommend having several doctors notes from different doctors to say that you are good to go to build a strong case for your waiver to be approved by the approving party.
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