Was going to services mandated by the particular branch you were in basic training? Was it required or has this become less stringent?
Posted 11 y ago
Responses: 62
It wasn't mandatory, but it would BEHOOVE us to go... Unless you wanted to scrub every toilet and do every other crap detail while everyone else went to service..
SPC Jerry Jones
Yep! If you didn't want to clean barracks during church services times, then you go to church, any church, no matter what your faith. That's how we worked the system.

Suspended Profile
“Mandatory”, only in the sense that it got us an hour or so of relief from our sadistic Company Commander; that’s the way it was in Navy bootcamp in 1970. Most of us had no religious leanings, and like me, probably hadn’t seen the inside of a church in several years. However, we conspired to determine which service was the longest in duration, and that was the one a bunch of us attended. Ours happened to be the Methodist service, as it began the latest and went on for at least an hour and a half. Since there were more than 3 of us, we were allowed to march to the chapel rather than double time. So...we’d leave early, allowing plenty of time to “meander” a little (if the goons stopped us and asked where we were going, we could get away with “we’re practicing some close order drill on the way to the chapel, SIR!”). We’d also take our time going back to the barracks where the CC was waiting impatiently for full attendance at his torture sessions. I was a devout Methodist for those 14-15 weeks, and that was the last time I was present in any sort of house of worship-LOL
Maj Neal Jackman
It was the only time some people got a chance to sleep. LOL. Optional when I was there.
<p>As a Ex-Drill Sgt, church services were never mandatory, solely up to the individual. Sunday mornings until lunch were pretty much their personnal time to do laundry, write letters, phone home (after 1st phase), shine shoes or just relax. Alot would go to service, at the beginning of training, thnking they are getting out of a normal morning of BT. Once they find out it is personnal time and they dont have to do those things at night, they thin themselves out. Then you get to the truly religous are the ones that still go. it is also break time for drill sgts, except for the one on duty, DS get a chance for a few hours of family time. It is TRADOC policy for sunday morning to be church services or personnal time.</p><p> </p>
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Never mandatory but I believe after Basic it is not as available to soldiers. I believe the Military should give even transitioning soldiers a chance to feel God's love and involvement in their lives. I have a great idea to incorporate spiritual motivational cadences with morning PT. If the soldiers who believed had this option it could lift them up in a way we haven't experienced yet
SPC Jimmy Rooks I
SPC Rebecca Lovie ALL Christian Churches worship Jesus(or SHOULD!) Dunno what to tell you if your beliefs aren't Christian!
SPC Jimmy Rooks I
COL Stephen Murphy there's the rub! My last squad leader professed to be a Satanist!
COL Stephen Murphy
SPC Jimmy Rooks I - Brave of him as Satanism, especially the one that doesn't even worship the Christian Satan, is probably more misunderstood than Atheists are.
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