Posted on Dec 7, 2018
SFC Recruiter
AGR E-7 never got in trouble or had a bad NCOER in my career and I have Evals going back to when I was an E-1 since Navy does them from the beginning. I just reviewed my NCOER and my command is wanting to give me a "Did Not Meet Standard" in Part IV Block C. Character (they say it's because of verbal counselings) I don't have any negative counselings. Block F. Leads (Did Not Meet Standard), once again no counselings just verbal.
Rater Overall Performance - "Did Not Meet Standard"
Senior Rater Overall Potential - "Not Qualified"
No negative counselings other than one where I asked my 1SG in a text about my leave form 10 minutes after my Station Commander (E-6 Recruiter) said he hasn't heard anything. Keep in mind it was to go pin my cousins airborne wings at Benning. I was told to write a 1 page paper about the importando of chain of command and I thought that was the end of it, apparently not. I had some issues the Station Commander of the office but none that involved negative counselings. My station commander wasn't even privy to my NCOER until that day the 1SG and CC read it to me, keep in mind I wrote it myself (because I was asked to by the SC and only received an initial counseling from him in 18Mar2018, I reported 28Jan2018 and had 5 months of unrated time prior to reporting. I should've received a COR (change of Rater) NCOER on of about 28 Apr 2018 but did not. I will include some bullets that have signed MFR from my former 1SG for the 5 months unrated time as well transcripts for college.

D.) Presence: completed Rugged Maniac 5K, Chicago Spartan Race, and Indianapolis Half Marathon in top 10%. Helped increase stations APFT average by 20pts by achieving a 278. Assisted FS (Future Soldier) Leader in conducting FS PT and developed a program to ensure FS's who were close on Body fat % would still ship.

E.) Intellect: Completed 15 college semester hours towards a Masters in Forensic Psychology and 1 Associates Degree in General Studies. Completed 4 certificates, Business Admin / Leadership Mgmt, Emergency Mgmt, Incident Mgmt, and Operations Mgmt. Hand selected to represent the INDY BN at the Skills USA Nationals event in Louisville, KY.

F.) Leads: took the initiative to get the Army to be the first and only military branch to be in the Bloomington Chamber of Commerce. Assisted in achieving 100% FY18 USAR mission while assigned to 2 separate stations in different Brigades. One of 5 NCOs to make it to the 3de Bde Audie Murphy board as well as being the only AGR Soldier.

G.) Develops: Trained 200 Soldiers and Officers on USAR programs / SMP minuteman scholarship while at APC. Volunteered over 60 hours to feed the homeless on Los Angeles Skid row as well as providing food and clothing to Veterans at the West LA VA on Thanksgiving; exudes selfless character. Helped start a Merging Vets and Players program in Chicago.

H.) Achieves: While on convalescent leave and unable to drive a car after double foot surgery, took an Uber to conduct 2 applicants that joined 2 weeks later. Assisted Station in achieving its annual FY18 mission by Precision for Regular Army and Army Reserves; first time ever. Contributed to 6F5 achieving top Co in then BN for FY18 1QTR.

I also worked at the Indy Meps for 4.5 months commuting 3-4 hours a day to QC / scan in enlistment documents for over 90 contracts.

I'm no saint and I can run people the wrong way but the fact I've never got in trouble in 14 years, never got a bad NCOER, received a BSM for leading my team in Afghanistan, amongst many other acodales should speak for itself. I know this NCOER is about this rating period but to get what they are trying to give me..... makes me plain sick to my stomach and honestly I don't know what to do persay to fight it.

A commanders inquiry would be pointless because the Company Commander colludes with the 1SG and even the BN CSM / BN CDR agree with anything they say since they lead* the best company in the BN. For anyone that's been in Recruiting you know how the Active will back their own especially against an AGR (despite what my ERB / NCOERS show).

I'm leaving Recruiting / AGR in the next 2 weeks or less, the E-8 board is next month (my second look) and this will be the kiss of death for me.

What Can I Do? Please help. :(
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MSG Inspector General
The process for the appeal of an NCOER, is under AR 623-205, I believe chapter 4. By reading your post, it seems that you have a personal vendetta against you. Has the NCOER been sent to HRC? Have you signed it yet? What about requesting a commander inquiry? Have you spoken with the CSM or IG? There are many options available to you before having to appeal the NCOER. Best of luck in your future endeavors.
SSG Unit Supply Specialist
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6 y
Article 132 also protects victims and those reporting crimes from retaliation. An adverse personnel action -- such as a bad NCO Evaluation Report, if determined to be solely for reprisal --- can get the person in authority up to three years confinement without pay and a dishonorable discharge.
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SFC Retention Operations Nco
When you try to fight this and the review board asks what you did to protest yiur rating "a commander inquiry is useless because..." is not going to be a suitable answer. You will need to exhaust all possibilities.

It is imperative for you to fight this because your ratings will trigger a QMP notice once it reaches HRC. HRC will wait until your appeals have completed before initiating the QMP.

First, there will need to be some type of counseling to accompany those negative ratings. A negative rating in the character block is saying that you are basically a terrible human being. Begin with a commander inquiry. If that fails, an IG complaint. If that fails reach for a higher command IG. File a congressional complaint. Keep records of everything.

If everything you say is correct, your NCOER should be kicked back by HRC without having substantive comments in the blocks.

There is likely no chance you'll be able to get this fixed by this board. However, if it clears up in your favor you will be eligible to reboard under a STAB.
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SGM Gregory Tarancon IV
Edited >1 y ago
I am not an expert on NCOERs, but being presented with an Evaluation where the Rater Overall Performance - "Did Not Meet Standard" and Senior Rater Overall Potential - "Not Qualified" is pretty serious and cause for concern. These are the kind of ratings you would expect to see on a "Relief for Cause" NCOER. I can't imagine the chain of command would allow this to fly without the written documentation to back it up. I agree with my colleagues that you have to fight this and exhaust all possibilities, don't be bullied into just accepting this situation if it is unjust.
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