Posted on Jan 15, 2015
SSG Arron Daniels
There seems to be quite a bit of avenues and resources for Veterans to find work, but it seems that there are so many options, that it's almost overwhelming. I get a lot of questions on other social mediums and I wanted to see what the RP community is doing.

Let me know where you are being successful, start a conversation, or answer the poll. Thanks for any feedback!

1. Where do you look for jobs?
2. I recommend looking for work 365 days out, but when are you starting?
3. What has been the most successful strategy?
Posted in these groups: Jon JobsImgres EmploymentMilitary discharge 300x201 ETS/EASMilitary leadership skills civilian employment Civilians
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Responses: 4
SGM Erik Marquez
I voted , but if the poll had allowed I would have voted for ALL. The only caution I have which I learned from my brother, who has previously worked as a Head Hunter.. Be careful in who you give your resume to, especially Head Hunters.. Monster and the like, or smaller one off places as well. Once they have it, they will spam employers at will in a numbers game.. Matching you with a perfect opportunity is not the goal, it is to splatter all of the resumes they have access to (which you NO LONGER CONTROL) against the wall and see what sticks. 
SSG Arron Daniels
SSG Arron Daniels
10 y
This is EXACTLY what I caution people about. It's a rock and a hard place: Where CAN you give your resume to that WONT lose you in a monstrous database. Great points SGM Erik Marquez

Do you know if TAPS touches on this?
SGM Erik Marquez
SGM Erik Marquez
10 y
The lecturer Donald G. Carter, we had did.. Must have told us 1/2 dozen times over the two days.
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Maj Chris Nelson
So, I use Linked In...but I also have a bit of a leg up on many people; being a nurse. One of the things that I am doing is looking at towns/cities that I am interested in relocating to, then while evaluating the demographics, businesses, I also check the hospitals and colleges/universities that have nursing programs. My real interest is becoming a Nursing Instructor.... I contact the Dean of the Nursing Program directly. I use my linked in as a "repository" for my resume info, letters of recommendation, and references. If the school wants more focused CV/Resume, I send that to them, along with anything else they may desire. Some are receptive to this tactic, others...not so much. With that being said, I do use some of the features of LinkedIn, Indeed, and specific facility job notices. I am currently 13 months 11 days out from my "OFFICIAL Retirement", but I am only about 329 days out from my projected last day in UNIFORM (terminal leave and retirement Permissive TDY).
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PO2 Disabled Veteran Outreach Program
You left some out of the poll. State job boards, state and local government HR websites, USAJobs, in person networking, job fairs, and the biggest one of all, Google (or Bing if you're into that sort of thing). I have had better luck going door to door in person and going directly to a company's website than any of those big national civilian job boards. Also, when you target your resume to the position that that company is looking for you will have better luck getting that interview than if you just spam a general resume to everyone on the face of the earth. If you see a big plant or construction site in your area, just Google their names. Their websites almost always have a careers section to post their current vacancies.
Indeed and Monster and the like are fine, but I have seen better results when you use them to find who is hiring in the area, then visiting their websites for yourself.
SSG Arron Daniels
SSG Arron Daniels
10 y
Thanks for the response John. The poll would only let me add so many. Anyone reading this post should take some notes on this response for sure.
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