Posted on Dec 3, 2018
What is life currently like for a WO pilot in the CABs?
I'm a USMC Lt working up a package to apply for WOFT. Been doing my research and my main question is: What is life currently like for a WO pilot? What does an average day/week look like? What are deployment schedules and op tempos like? How much flying do you actually do? What kind of collateral billets do you have to fill? How much, and what kind of general military BS (I know each branch/unit/MOS has it's own flavor) do you put up with? I'm curious how answers will vary by unit. Also if anyone went commissioned to warrant, I'd love to hear about that experience and your opinion on the difference. Don't know what I don't know, so the more information I can get the better.
Posted >1 y ago
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