Posted on Jan 20, 2014
SSG(P) Chris T.

Do you think that Soldier's who work with POL products should be allotted more clothing allowance than Soldiers who do not?  A mechanic for instance who has oil spill on their boots now has unserviceable boots and is no longer allowed to wear them.  Yes, I know someone is going to say they are issued Safety Boots.  Some CIF facilities do not allow this.


Posted in these groups: 4276e14c UniformsExpertsights e1324327272686 MOS
Edited 11 y ago
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Responses: 5
MSgt Aaron Brite
As a supply sergeant and former flightline maintainer, I would support an additional clothing allowance for items commonly destroyed on the job or the replace with unit funded items or better yet items designed for the task and less likely to be ruined on the job.
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1LT Infantry Officer
Great point.  I would say that no, because this already exists for specific duty assignments.  White House Communication Agency gets a stipend for civilian clothes.

Here's my answer to the mechanic problem:  Coveralls and nasty workboots.  It may seem like a pain to change boots between work and standing in formation, but it meets the requirement.  Same for the PC.  I have seen some nasty oil soaked PCs in my time.

SSG(P) Chris T.
SSG(P) Chris T.
11 y
I agree with you 100%.  The issue I have seen/run across is when the Soldier is wearing their safety boots ( having changed into them once they start working) and they get very nasty and they catch flak as a result of them being unserviceable and not in compliance with AR 670-1
SPC Dan Goforth
SPC Dan Goforth
11 y
SSG Thurston, I have seen what you describe, and I agree.  Personnel, such as mechanics and cooks, whom routinely stain their uniform components need to have the ability to replace those components without extra cost to them.  

The flip side of what you describe does border on toxic leadership.  If a soldier who works in the motor pool doesn't keep an extra pair of boots around for when he needs to be in garrison (at the DFAC or PX, etc.) gets flak for walking around in an unserviceable uniform, that's one thing.  But giving such a soldier flak while he works in his duty area is toxic leadership.  I was a cook before I joined the Army.  I didn't wear good clothes to work, I wore clothes that could get oil-stained and dirty.  I've seen unit mechanics after working on a M113 engine.  Everything they wore was covered in old grease.  Kitchens and motor pools are not the places to nit-pick over "serviceable".
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PFC Janet Beeler
I believe they should be allotted more money, for example, MPs, they are out in the weather all the time. No matter what the weather is, gaye, foot patrol, etc.
PFC Janet Beeler
PFC Janet Beeler
>1 y
That should say gate
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