Posted on Nov 14, 2018
SGT Radio Operator Maintainer
I am trying to join AFROTC, and I need to get out of the Guard to do so. Honestly, I'd rather stay in or transfer to the Air Guard (GI Bill), but that isn't an option unfortunately.

Thanks in advance
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Responses: 4
SPC Military Police (Mp) Traffic Collision Investigator
First, before contracting you'd want to get a DD368 signed by the TAG officer of your state. If you don't get released from your state your chance of going AFROTC is none until you ETS.

SGT, I would like to share some of the knowledge from experience that will more than likely get your conditional release approval, but you must be prepared and will a write an effective letter to your commander.

Write a letter to your commander requesting a conditional release with your 368 attached to it. Be sure you make your commander you acknowledge that it is at his full discretion to allow you to proceed with this process, he or she is the one who will be signing your 4187 and typing a memorandum recommending you to be approved from the battalion they are more than likely to concur with your commander's recommendations and it will be the same with brigade and TAG. Justify your reasoning for wanting to leave the NG, using a "Cause and Effect" and "Problem and Solution" type writing. Your letter should be about you wanting to advance your career and improving yourself as a service member. The reasons and justification should also be points that cannot argue and should have a solution or outcome behind it.

Here's an example from my letter to my commander for conditional release:

"I feel as though I am not meeting the standards I hold for myself. Often when I am approached by higher enlisted and or officers, I’ve been asked “Are you achieving any goals and standard’s as far as career development and advancement, since you’ve been in the National Guard,” I often reply with no, in order not to violate my integrity. The Army seven core values are my watchwords. Apart from being in the Army, I’ve never held any actual job, as result being a Soldier is all I’ve known. The solution right now for me is quite clear, in order to meet expectations and standard set, I feel as though I must pursue it as a Full-time soldier. Being a part-time soldier, there are many limitations, an example being drilling twice a month and two weeks out of the year."

You need a solid and unarguable point for each justification and reason you have for your request to leave the National Guard. Which is to clearly better yourself, any good NCO or Officer would be more than happy to help a Soldier to move forward and improve their military career.

Just keep in mind the letter should also be BLUF (Bottom Line Up Front), heartfelt, but also very stern.

Once you are done with the letter and setting up the 368 with your recruiter, you're good it's just a matter of waiting, for approval. Writing that letter is very important.

If you get improved, you're ready for the next step which contracting AFROTC. If I can get my Conditional Release approved. I have no doubt, you can get an approval too.

You are more than welcome to PM if have any questions concerning your conditional release.

SGT Radio Operator Maintainer
SGT (Join to see)
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Thanks for the info man, I'll definitely update you on how it goes.
SGT Radio Operator Maintainer
SGT (Join to see)
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Just out of curiosity, how long did it take for yours to get approved?
SPC Military Police (Mp) Traffic Collision Investigator
SPC (Join to see)
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It took approximately 3 months to get my 368 back with a response. However, to be 100% real with you, it's depends if your command is on their stuff, and not sitting on paperwork.
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COL Jon Thompson
The Natioal Guard would have to approve a conditional release (DD Form 368). This basically says they will release you if you receive a contract from the AFROTC program. The form may require a GO approval so it may take some time to process
SGT Radio Operator Maintainer
SGT (Join to see)
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Thanks for the response sir. Does GO mean General Officer?
COL Jon Thompson
COL Jon Thompson
>1 y
SGT (Join to see) - Yes, usually the DD368 needs a General officer approval. So talk to your chain of command.
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LTC Senior Observer   Coach/Trainer
I got out of the Army Reserve by contracting with the Army ROTC. I'm not sure how exactly it works though. It's a conversation to have with the AFROTC PMS or A-1 and your Commander or S-1.
SGT Radio Operator Maintainer
SGT (Join to see)
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I spoke with the AFROTC PMS, he's looking into it all. I plan on speaking with my commander soon. Thanks sir
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