Posted on Nov 13, 2018
What Happened to my post regarding the New Army Service Uniform?
I posted 7 hours ago regarding the Army once again changing the service uniform, and it seems to have disappeared, I am not saying anything nefarious happened, just do not know where to find it again so I can add the relevant article regarding the new uniform, and ask for opinions and thoughts on the third service uniform in 10 years - Class "A"'s until 2008, "Blues" 2008 to 2018, and now The WW2 Era throwback.
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
SSG Robert Perrotto I found it out there and it has 186 views so far. You need to add topics like "Uniforms", "Soldiers" and three other topics so that folks will view it.

Should the Army create new Army Service Uniform? | RallyPoint
Recently read the Stars and Stripes here in Italy, and saw on the Cover that the Army has once again changed Service Uniforms, this time they are Retroing the WW 2 era service uniform, making it the 3rd Service Uniform in the last 10 years. what are your thoughts, and the Communities thoughts regarding yet another probably expensive uniform requirement? I absolutely get that Service Members receive a clothing Allowance, but for the love of...
SSG Robert Perrotto
Ahhh - as that was my first ever question posted - I had no idea you HAD to add all 5 topics for it to be seen by many - Thank you!
Look from 73-95I went thru more uniforms than I can think of, Class A Greens, Khaki's, Polyester Greens, Green shirts, white shirts, Tiger stripes, OG-107's, BDU's, Choco Chips, etc. I steady drain on top of the repair items out of my clothing allowances.
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