Posted on Jan 10, 2015
What are some of your Health Care Horror Stories due to military hospitals?
My daughter was eleven days old and I noticed her lips became purple, limp at times and didn't want to eat so I decided to take my baby to the hospital on post. I didn't know bad health care existed when it came to soldiers until that night. The soldiers there stabbed my daughter four times in both hands trying to find a good vein, the ER wait time was extremely long and because the flu was going around they asked me If they could do a spinal tap on my daughter to find out what was wrong. Of course I agreed because I wanted to save my daughters life but once I agreed to it my husband and I were kicked out of the room for the spinal tap. Literally two hours later the captain who did the spinal taps told me that they stuck her in her back five times due her being so small and that they couldn't get it so now the pediatrician is doing the spinal tap for the sixth time so things should be ok. Due to me being in the military and I must be professional at all times stopped me from doing a great deal of screaming at that captain. I love the military but at some point someone has to say enough is enough to address these mishaps.
If you have horror story you would like to share, please do so.
If you have horror story you would like to share, please do so.
Posted 10 y ago
Responses: 5
I had so many bad experiences in military hospitals so I will just do a few highlights. One was getting propositioned while receiving my annual pap test. Legs in the air and all! Another time was when I was nearly beaten to death by a Staff Sargent from another unit that I had been dating. He broke my nose and the darn thing wouldn't stop bleeding. The duty nurse wouldn't give me a tissue or anything. I bled for over 3 hours with her complaining that she would get her butt chewed for waking the doctor on call and why didn't I stop MAKING my nose bleed. She finally went to call the on call doc and while she was gone I grabbed paper towels wet them in cold water in the sink wiped up the blood held my breath and pulled it back into place so it wasn't sideways any more. The bleeding stopped and by the time the Doc got there the swelling was down. He said I did a good job. It is nice and straight, but my glasses make it hurt.
I had a horrible experience one day when I went to the VA clinic. A nurse came up behind me and gave me a shot and didn't even tell me she was doing it. I said what are you doing, she said all the veterans are getting their shots updated. I said that there were some I couldn't have and that I had just gotten a tetnis shot with antibiotic when I ran a piece of glass in my foot a few months ago. So why didn't you talk to me first like normally is done. She said well you signed stating we could give you medical care with what we feel you need and we felt you need that. But in 2009 it was in my records that I was not supposed to have the flu shot. But what ever was in that shot was horrifying. I had a friend with to drive me. He noticed I was getting shaky and stumbling into things. Right away he told the waiter we needed our food to go and he would be back in for it. And he got me out to the car. On the way home I was seeing things like head lights waving at me, It looked like on coming cars were driving on the shoulder of the road. That night he would not leave me alone I was totally out of it. Went into sweats all night and the next morning woke up to huge blisters in my mouth some had popped and tasted horrible couldn't eat and could barely drink from a straw. Then my friend thought I was doing better but when I was riding on the riding lawn mower thinking that would help fresh air and all of a sudden aggression set in. I closed myself off from the world for over a week. My civilian Dr. nor I still have a clue what was all in that shot. My energy level dropped to almost nothing still is off and on and still close myself off some. Never was an angry kind of person until some of these things happened and it was right after I had put in for a claim against the Ft McClellan toxins. Scared yes I'm scared in some ways feel they just want some of us out of the picture.
For the most part I have been extremely fortunate in this particular circumstance.
I did however have a bad experience due to outsourcing. in September of 2013 I shattered my fibula on a jump. Since I was at an installation which did not have a true hospital and only a clinic I was outsourced to an Orthopedic Clinic.
At first the Dr. seemed real nice and helpful. He looked at my X-Rays and told me that he did not believe that I needed surgery. He then asked if I really wanted a cast; of course if I have choices but he is the expert so I was confused as to why he even asked. Eventually I was put in a Walking boot.
Two days later I was in his office again as my knee swelled up the size of a soft ball. It was blood from the impact and the Dr drained it with a needle in his office. That was a little unnerving.
I was being seen every three weeks with an X-Ray taken every time. The Dr continued to tell me that I was doing good yet I did not feel as though I was.
After more than three months I went back to my provider to ask for a second opinion. I was referred to an alternate installation to be evaluated. The Dr. there took an X-Ray and I provided mine from the previous Orthopedic. He brought me to the computer and showed me the X-Rays side by side; He asked if I saw a difference, I said no and that is why I was coming to see him. The New Dr. then explained that I had not healed at all. Four months in and I had not healed at all. It was a hard blow.
I tried to file a complaint with Tricare but nothing happened to the first Dr. In my opinion he was milking the system to get a guaranteed payment. Unfortunately it was at my health expense.
I am still not completely sure I am 100% even though I run and have taken three fitness tests scoring no less than 295. My leg hurts regularly and sometimes it just feels unusual.
I did however have a bad experience due to outsourcing. in September of 2013 I shattered my fibula on a jump. Since I was at an installation which did not have a true hospital and only a clinic I was outsourced to an Orthopedic Clinic.
At first the Dr. seemed real nice and helpful. He looked at my X-Rays and told me that he did not believe that I needed surgery. He then asked if I really wanted a cast; of course if I have choices but he is the expert so I was confused as to why he even asked. Eventually I was put in a Walking boot.
Two days later I was in his office again as my knee swelled up the size of a soft ball. It was blood from the impact and the Dr drained it with a needle in his office. That was a little unnerving.
I was being seen every three weeks with an X-Ray taken every time. The Dr continued to tell me that I was doing good yet I did not feel as though I was.
After more than three months I went back to my provider to ask for a second opinion. I was referred to an alternate installation to be evaluated. The Dr. there took an X-Ray and I provided mine from the previous Orthopedic. He brought me to the computer and showed me the X-Rays side by side; He asked if I saw a difference, I said no and that is why I was coming to see him. The New Dr. then explained that I had not healed at all. Four months in and I had not healed at all. It was a hard blow.
I tried to file a complaint with Tricare but nothing happened to the first Dr. In my opinion he was milking the system to get a guaranteed payment. Unfortunately it was at my health expense.
I am still not completely sure I am 100% even though I run and have taken three fitness tests scoring no less than 295. My leg hurts regularly and sometimes it just feels unusual.
PV2 Violet Case
I will pray for you when I broke my talar in my ankle I ended up with avascular neucrosis and reflex sympathetic dystrophy which causes burning and pain a lot. They tried surgery and made my leg bent and it did not refuse where they cut threw the ankle bones. So please have the doctor watch you for those things. I will pray for you and understand your pain. As you look at the xray it used to be a line straight across where they cut threw the bones but now the bones are degenerating and the crack is worse. They can't fix mine I will go on it till they have to take it. But have been blessed this long.

Suspended Profile
Wow, violet - your fun just keeps on coming. Now called CRPS, this is a debilitating chronic pain situation. As a chaplain at Children's Hospital of Philly, I work with pediatric CRPS patients. The treatment they went through was weeks of brutally intense inpatient PT, and it really felt like a horrible boot camp to me.
I wish you relief from your pain...
I wish you relief from your pain...
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