Posted on Jan 10, 2015
Should Cyber Warriors be exempt from combat training?
The commander of the US Army Combined Arms Center, LTG Brown said, "They grew up on Google and wear ponytails. We need to look at ways to bring them into the Army without necessarily going through the same training procedures as our combat troops."
Should we make exemptions for cyber soldiers or should all soldiers be expected to conduct combat training? Should these soldier be required to qualify with weapons and pass the APFT?
Should we make exemptions for cyber soldiers or should all soldiers be expected to conduct combat training? Should these soldier be required to qualify with weapons and pass the APFT?
Posted 10 y ago
Responses: 24
If we have them skip the combat training, then i would not consider them soldiers. simply contractors. if they want them to wear the uniform then they need to go thru everything the rest of us did
SSG Rob Cline
MSG (Join to see) They wear our uniforms... It just has CONTRACTOR instead of US ARMY on it
As a cyber type guy, I will put this out there. I completely agree with this part of the article.
"Analysts have warned that the common military career of rotating through many jobs could also harm attempts to build up deep specialist expertise in the area.
Thomas Rid, a reader in War Studies at King's College in London, said: “To build up the skill set needed to be considered a good operator in this space, you need a lot of exposure to the technical side. It’s difficult to rotate into very different positions as you would usually do in a military career.”
Cyber is one of those field that within the military you get promoted out of being "operational" by the E6 level for most units. PCSing to different units with different missions starts that learning cycle all over again. If there was a field that would benefit from bringing back the "specialist 4-7" ranks, cyber is it.
"Analysts have warned that the common military career of rotating through many jobs could also harm attempts to build up deep specialist expertise in the area.
Thomas Rid, a reader in War Studies at King's College in London, said: “To build up the skill set needed to be considered a good operator in this space, you need a lot of exposure to the technical side. It’s difficult to rotate into very different positions as you would usually do in a military career.”
Cyber is one of those field that within the military you get promoted out of being "operational" by the E6 level for most units. PCSing to different units with different missions starts that learning cycle all over again. If there was a field that would benefit from bringing back the "specialist 4-7" ranks, cyber is it.
SGT (Join to see)
As someone who has worked in IT or cyber if you want to call it that for the last 25 years in the civilian world, normally IT engineers change jobs every 2 to 5 years anyway for pay considerations. So, the aspect of the learning cycle is a constant in the IT world anyway. Technology changes at the speed of light really and it in a constant learning cycle if you expect to make this a career. But, if they want to be enlisted in the Military, there is no reason they should not go through the same training as everyone else, as every person enlisted in the Army is at the basic level a grunt and is expected to be able to defend.
SSG Roy Neve
SGT (Join to see) Well stated. If individuals are contractors, DOD Civilians or another group of civilians that are contributing to the total force they should not be trained as individual soldiers.
MSgt Harry Thomas Sr.
No way! Warriors is who we are, MOS is what we do... Warrior Training should never stop! Cyber Warrior? Hilarious!!!
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