Question for my fellow signalers: Which do you prefer? Currently at my 1st actual Signal unit in my 10+ years in the Army, been here for almost 2. The environment here is way more laxed than it was at my previous units (ADA, FA) but I enjoy working with my hands more than sitting behind a desk. Anyone else ever had this same predicament?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
I understand. I'm now at my second tactical unit, but I've spent two separate tours in two separate strategic signal units (1st signal BDE and 160th signal BDE). I believe each has their own faults, but each have their own upsides. I enjoy having the desk time, but the hands on time has been just as rewarding. I think its about what you do with the time in each circumstance.
Have they thrown you into the 25W spot yet? When they do, you'll be on the desk constantly. Or watching PowerPoint and some jag-off that didn't prepare. Or training meetings. Or first sergeants office. But only on Mondays do you get to be out of the office.
They're two different experiences. If you love going to the field then stick to tactical. My favorite duty position was NCOIC of a CG's commo team. That's the best signal duty ever. I had some buddies in WHCA and they really liked it as well. You put one more rocker on and you'll be sitting behind a desk a lot more.
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