Posted on Oct 24, 2018
I’m prior service discharged with Re-Code 3 Sep Code JKQ Misconduct Serious Offense I want to re-enlist, any chance of a waiver?
Please any information would be useful. Thanks.
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 12
Stay and try to excel in the civilian world as I would certainly not want you in my command.
Amn John Coupland
That's harsh without knowing the details. However, I'm with you on this one. Would his fellow soldiers be able to trust him?
PVT Charles Willis
You are a douche for sure, and here's why. Two guys from my unit had a similar incident (commissioned and non commissioned). The non commissioned guy got put out jkq re-3, the works. The commissioned guy...stayed and is currently holder of the "Medal of Honor". It's leaders who make the soldier. You have shown your weakness as a leader, and how highschool like the service is. Petty. Yes his fellow soldiers would be able to trust him smh.
Get in contact with your local veteran affairs representative, make sure you have your DD 214 and all documents pertaining to your discharge. They will be able to guide you through and process the paperwork. They will be the ones that will advocate you’re change good luck.
Richard ~ I would recommend google JQK and read what it says about misconduct and your chances
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