Posted on Jan 7, 2015
SGT Senior Paralegal Nco
Does anyone have any details on when an enlistment bonus is paid?

I left active duty after 7.5 years and enlisted in the USAR for 6 years. With that enlistment, I received a bonus of $20,000 (not an "affiliation bonus"). I signed into my unit on 12 November 2014. I've tried to call DFAS and the 81st RSC with no luck. My unit administrator told me that he doesn't have any thing to do with my bonus since I didn't get an affiliation bonus.

Does anyone know how long it takes DFAS to pay the initial installment (50%) of of the bonus?
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Responses: 3
SFC Stephen P.
Normally we see affiliation bonus when you are DMOSQ, and the Prior Service Enlistment Bonus (PSEB) if you are not.

PSEB should still go through your command channels, but they won't pay anything until you have the MOS/SQI you contracted for.

Currently we expect ~45 for processing the payment. In your case, it doesn't seem to have been submitted.

I'd also suggest going to your career counselor. Not a certain resolution, but we can be useful advisers and advocates.
SFC Stephen P.
SGT Senior Paralegal Nco
SGT (Join to see)
10 y
@SFC Stephen P., I'm MOSQ. I didn't receive the affiliation bonus because I also received a $12,500 GI Bill kicker.

I've spoken to my Career Counselor and they have all of my documents. I checked the AR Net link you provided and found the bonus report which did not have my name listed as of 31 December 2014.

I've also been in contact with a MSG at the 81st RSC. He's now assisting me in getting this done.
SFC Stephen P.
SFC Stephen P.
10 y
Makes sense. The kicker has been off my radar since it is no longer available for reenlistment.

Not sure if you're aware, but that $350 kicker (monthly value) may be impacted by your chapter 30 or 33 MGIB (assuming you have one of those). I recommend discussing the implications with the VA.

That site also has some POCs that may be able to assist if the RSC falls through.
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SFC Intelligence Analyst
When I did my first re-enlistment, I was eligible for a bonus of 4,500, and I received all 3,300 (after taxes) together as one lump sum.

Now that I am doing my second re-enlistment, I am eligible for a bonus of 11,100 (tier 5, 60 months, 35F Airborne Position), and just received approximately 4100. I am not sure why, as 8,250 should have been the approximate bonus after a 25% tax.

This is the first I have heard of the "you will receive half your bonus now and the other half annually". Can anyone provide me the regulation to verify that statement, as I didn't receive my bonus in the past like this, or provide me any further information regarding my situation? Thanks!
1px xxx
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>1 y
Do you know if it was broken down that way in your contract or is that just what you were told? I’ve heard that sometimes the bonus breakdown aren’t always written the same in contracts.
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MSG Vrs Ncoic
The Unit Administrator has EVERYTHING to do with a bonus.
He or She needs to get the Bonus Checklist from the G8 website.
you will provide the UA with a 4/1, 4/2, PSEB Addendum (to include a bonus control number), DA5261-5, DD 214, DA3540, MOS Award.
Then the UA complets the packet and e mails it to the bonus control team for your area.
if your UA is telling you that they dont have anything to do with a bonus, he or she is full of $$$ and needs to be relieved.
SGT Senior Paralegal Nco
SGT (Join to see)
10 y
Thank you MSG (Join to see) for that info.

My UA seems to be pretty good so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt, but I have forwarded the guidance you provided.

We'll see if it helps.

Thanks again.
MSG Vrs Ncoic
MSG (Join to see)
10 y
If you are not successful, let me know and i can e mail you and your YA the checklists.
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