Posted on Jan 6, 2015
SSG Shop Foreman
My window is coming up in a few months. I have a daughter in Virginia that I am trying to get to so I can enjoy her growing up years instead of travelling around the world missing out. Also my MOS 91G is pretty much dead end at this point, hell i've never even done the job, they just stick me in Armament with the 91F's and i learn that even though I have never took a liking to weapons. I would like to reclass to something beneficial that would also be available in Virginia, that way I can finish my career (been in 8 years, would have 12 years to go) in Virginia, buy a home there and give my daughter a father in the physical, not just skype.
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Responses: 1
CPL Rick Stasny
I was reclassified to a new MOS when 15E was phased out and they allowed me to choose my next duty station, but I was two weeks from PCS and my orders were canceled. I was lucky that it was in my re enlistment contact and I couldn't say no when they offered MacDill AFB in Tampa, but that was a long time ago.
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