Posted on Oct 9, 2018
Do you get airborne pay for a year after jump injury?
So I’ve been told a few different things on this topic. I fractured my fibula and a bone in my ankle that I should of had surgery on but I was told by a doctor that I didn’t need surgery at the time to turn around and have surgery a year later. The injury was in April 2017, I was put on rule 3 in hopes that I would jump again so my pay didn’t stop until my unit closed my jump log in November since it didn’t look promising on jumping again. My S1 didn’t take my terminated orders to finance until January so they took back the pay from November to January. Several jump masters have told me that I’m owed a year of pay from the date of injury since I can’t jump anymore due to airborne operations. I’ve also heard that I’m only owed three months from the injury and that I will have to payback the other months most likely when I PCS. Can anyone shed some light on this for me? Even finance didn’t have the correct answer for me when I called.
Posted 6 y ago
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