Posted on Oct 5, 2018
SGT Healthcare Specialist (Combat Medic)
I'm currently a 68W Spc (P) and I've decided to pursue a commission. I intend on dropping a packet once I get enough TA knocked out for my associates degree. I want to do something medical but if thats not an option for active duty option then I wouldn't mind being a Platoon leader for a combat arms branch. I have 34 credits as of now. I have Ben in for 3 years already. My GPA is around a 3.3 as of now. How competitive is it to get in? What should I do to prepare? Any advice would be greatly helpful
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Responses: 10
2LT Construction Section Leader
Right now I’m working as a Gold Bar Recruiter with an ROTC program. As someone said on your last post, definitely go to the Ed Center and attend a G2G brief. The ROTC recruiter will know the answer to every question you have. It is usually very competitive. However, it depends on the year. Some years they take 400 nationwide and others they only take about 250. Make sure your PT is great (270 minimum but should be higher). You will have to do an interview with a LTC who is the PMS of an ROTC program. All in all, my advice to you would be to be set with a degree plan A and B, kill your PT test, be prepared with all of your documents (ERB, Med Docs, etc), and be prepared for an interview. An interview will consist of questions like “Why do you want to be an officer?” And “Do you think the transition from active duty to college will tough and how will you cope with that?”
SGT Healthcare Specialist (Combat Medic)
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Appreciate the advice sir
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MAJ(P) Health Services Human Resources
Keep doing what u r doing. Your GPA is good. Knock out some good APFTs doesn’t mean u have to have a 300+. If u do the active duty option u are assured to come back on AD. U will still compete for Medical Service Corps or any other branch for that matter. There are ADSOs-Active Duty Service Obligations which u can ask for to ensure u get MSC. I did that but with my GPA and At that time LDAC scores plus PT i got MSC as my first choice and didn’t have to use the ADSO.
2LT Construction Section Leader
2LT (Join to see)
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To add to that sir, you also don’t have to stay in the same branch that you are currently in. There are a lot of opportunities to learn about other branches so if you didn’t want to stay in the MSC, then you could explore what other branches have to offer. Endless opportunities
SGT Healthcare Specialist (Combat Medic)
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Thank you sir
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SGT Signals Acquisition/Exploitation Analyst
I’m currently board ready for the G2G: ADO this FY19 cycle.

Here are my stats:
MOS: 35S
GT Score: 127
3.57 GPA Bachelor of Science in Health Services Admin.
284 APFT
Pursuing master’s degree in communications.
Various awards, 3x letters of recommendation from O-5 and above.

I’m slightly above average for those applying, but most Soldiers have stats around mine. Hope this helps.
SSG Drill Sergeant
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Does board ready mean accepted? Just started my packet for GTG ADO, not clear with the jargon yet.
SGT Signals Acquisition/Exploitation Analyst
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I was selected in January but I ended up getting hurt and I’m being medically retired now.

Board ready means your packet is ready to be reviewed by the board. You will get an email if selected by the board. There’s a Facebook group that has all the info you’re looking for. It’s called Green to Gold active duty option, or something to that effect.

Good luck. I was one of 3XX selected out of 7XX board ready applicants. 2500 created a portal, only 7XX became board ready.
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